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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Sep 6, 2004.

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  1. what_one

    what_one Member

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    blaze - dont leave us hanging what kind of dip?
  2. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Awesome to see this got stickied, hopefully it will get used a little more now.
  3. whahappen?

    whahappen? Elite Member

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    i just had a weird idea
    what if as a lil side name/thing i just did philly style smilie faces every where
    haha i think thattd be awesome
  4. [breakout]-azer

    [breakout]-azer Senior Member

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    i posted this on marker thread in tool and tips but didnt get a anser so ill post it on here:

    i was wondering can a molotow 620pp paint marker be reused with ink and if you can how?
  5. revolt92

    revolt92 Banned

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    Since the two new mods have come in they have been deleting waaay to many posts. Seriously, sezer i asked you if you worked in kebab delight in the general discussion forum and it got deleted, now if you found that offensive i apoligise but that among many of my other posts have been deleted and i'm kinda getting pissed off now. Because now i feel like i cannot say anything out of the question or ask someone something in the b-book thread because it's taken as "chit chat", this is a forum right? and as a forum we should be able to say what we feel right? then why are we not being allowed?

    ugh i felt like i had to get that off my chest, if any of the mods could please explain that would be great
  6. -GEKS-

    -GEKS- Elite Member

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    why do the toys get their own chat thread?
    it seems weird to me...
  7. Edward"Sezer"Hands

    Edward"Sezer"Hands Elite Member

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    First off, i can only delete post in the toy section. so if that got deleted it's because one of the general disscussion mods deleted it not me. and No i do not work at the kebab delight.
    Now back to the bigger issue.
    Post being deleted, questions that don't relate to a pic in the b book threads will get deleted, thank you and thats dope or thats tight type posts will too, they don't help you at all so there is no reason for them to be there, Chattin in the b book thread will also be deeted. Me and D G are trying to keep it basically flcks and crits, if you want to chat you have this thread.
    Alot of you guys don't see how much wasteful post we hafta delete.
    You my sir should be more worried about your letters than post being deleted and thats what im trying to focus on as well helping you new guys progress.
    if you guys dont want me 2 be a mod than say so.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2007
  8. revolt92

    revolt92 Banned

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    Listen, i have no problem with you being a mod, really i dont. But there has been alot of posts deleted and maybe too much. And i do appreciate what you and dg do as mods, i understand you have to go through alot of bullshit its just deleting every bit of chatting in the b-book thread wont do anythng in my opinion because the people that do it will just forget and do it again.
  9. Edward"Sezer"Hands

    Edward"Sezer"Hands Elite Member

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    and when they do it again i'll delete it again.
  10. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    i feel u on every point apart from, deleting complements, how are u suposed to know ur shits good if all of the praise gets deleted
  11. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    there's a thread for people 20 years and older, theres one in general, for no hip hop heads. theres also one in the battle section buts thats for battes only. why shouldn't the toy section have a chat thread? its only fair.

    as far as posts getting deleted i think you guys are doin thebest job ive seen in a while. ie seen the mods do this before and then just let go after about a month.... just keep at it guys. but i was just thinkin if there's chat maybe read it first. stuff like "thanks blabla maybe next time ill blablabla" some chat is usefull.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2007
  12. Edward"Sezer"Hands

    Edward"Sezer"Hands Elite Member

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    Praise is good but for example.
    "Thats ill."
    and thats all they post is gonna get deleted.
    I don't mind giving praise with some crits though.
  13. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    yea but i normally say thats ill wen im looking for crits and someone better than me posted above me, how am i suposed to crit them, so i just let them know its ill
  14. -ShAmEE-

    -ShAmEE- Elite Member

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    he has a point.

    and if ur that good to only say, thats dope without anyimprovements then it should be in the big boy thread.
  15. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    no cuss i know cirten people who are 'toy' but stll beter than me. also ppl dont really give crits in the prooper thread
  16. -ShAmEE-

    -ShAmEE- Elite Member

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    umm...well i think that it is a good way to make others betta, and make the thread more productive. but i do miss on giving thous cheeky comments. but after all it is a graffiti thread.
  17. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Yes, clean out the barrel real good, and buy a new nib for it, then just refill it with ink. Sometimes the ones made for paint are a bit messy with ink but it's worth a try.
  18. d_g

    d_g Elite Member

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    Yeah I second this.

    I have deleted some random chat like 'yo is that a pink dot' because really you can PM the person about it.

    Praise I'm lightening up on, but if you just say 'that's dope' it's most likely going to get deleted. There are only a total of like 15 posts per page and 'that's dope' wastes one whole post. And then you get five people in a row saying 'that's dope' (when often it isn't) then most of the page is taken up and shit gets bumped to fucking death because no one can say 'that's dope, but hey work on your "e", it's too small' or something to that effect.

    I do read all the posts that I delete. Toy bb, slaps, tags, bombs pieces, throwies, alphabets, freestyles are picture threads. They are to post pictures in and get feedback on your stuff. I'll let bumps slide on some occasions. Asking something random about the picture or the thread can be taken to the PMs. There's this thread and the whole general discussion for talking shit.

    Seriously Toy Alphabets used to be like 9 pages or something, I decided to give it a clean up and after deleting chat and that's dope and that shit, it's now only two. Same deal with toy throws and freestyles.

    Anyways, I hope that clears some shit up.
  19. -ShAmEE-

    -ShAmEE- Elite Member

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    cheers for cleanin up all the bullshit in the alphabet thread. twas pissin me off.
  20. jvillebboy

    jvillebboy Senior Member

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    i know this is stupid, but what the fuck markers yall be using on the stickers? shits is mad clean and solid. jw =] thanks!!