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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. thesilentvandal

    thesilentvandal Banned

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  2. silentchaos14

    silentchaos14 Elite Member

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  3. sex without condoms

    sex without condoms Elite Member

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    that's cause daws did straight up bite bastardo.
  4. silentchaos14

    silentchaos14 Elite Member

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    yeah i kinda figured that but how bout u crit me then agree? not trynna sound like an asshole but yeah it makes sense
  5. sex without condoms

    sex without condoms Elite Member

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    theres nothing to crit every sketch i see from you is the same.
    maybe some extra addons but theyre all still like exactly the same.
  6. Sumoe

    Sumoe Elite Member

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    Morne, are you good at drawing normal shit? Just wondering.

    My advice is use bars, but don't do what you are doing. Do not make them the same exact size by drawing two horizontal lines with a ruler. Just do quick pencil sketches while using bars with a little funk/flare etc. No need to even outline at this point.
  7. sex without condoms

    sex without condoms Elite Member

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    humping to the next page
  8. paste

    paste Senior Member

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    Drivers ed sucks. View attachment 302853

    shitty 3d i know. Fucking hate u's and having a hardtime with my q. Fucking bad name I know.
  9. Sou - Mvd

    Sou - Mvd Senior Member

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    looks like zvake
    try and proportion all your letters to be within the same size area as each other. with your z and u try and follow the structure of the letter on the keyboard, but just distorted your way if that makes sesnse. Like the round part of the q at the bottom needs to be thicker and your u deeds a descender on the right side

    [Broken External Image]:
    for and exchange with mers
  10. sex without condoms

    sex without condoms Elite Member

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    only halfway decent letter is the m
  11. thesilentvandal

    thesilentvandal Banned

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  12. Make•

    Make• Senior Member

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    condoms without sex- I really like it

    paste- only letter I'm really feeling is the a, sorry man. actually the k is pretty good too
  13. neukr

    neukr Member

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  14. redxdrum

    redxdrum Member

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  15. Naysayer

    Naysayer Senior Member

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    neukr, nice throws I like em.what is your second letter tho? it just looks like a blob in every throw.

    View attachment 302866 something new.
  16. paste

    paste Senior Member

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    Naysayer- Like the a, the r is alright.
    Reddrum- Its not really my style, I'd work on the letters before the fill, but whatever I know its fun to do.
    Neukr- Throwies arent bad, cant really see that bars piece, but from what I make out, it looks alright.
    Thanks everybody for the feedback.
  17. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    no dont do that man. look. youre doing block ltters. thats cool, but you needa learn how to add some style. theres different kinds of bars. some are loose and shit, and some are solid and straight. not solid and straight like yours but solid and straight like mine.(the 2nd one)

    the first style the bars are loose, knahwmsayin? they dont stay the same thickness but they look alright. its because im picking one way to keep them which is big to small, or small to big, and theyre not solid, they curve. the only pointed edges could be the ends.

    View attachment 302880

    now this second style of bars, they stay the same thickness just like yours but the ends dont make the bar look like rectangles, it just adds on some more style right there. ok you see how some of the ends are like "/\" and the bar you make after it, you choose the thickness by one of the points. sane for the first style. im just tryn to get you out of using block letters man cuz they dont looks fun. i dont know if i said it before but theres tons of br styles. just get a little loose man.
    View attachment 302881
  18. silentchaos14

    silentchaos14 Elite Member

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    Last edited: Sep 12, 2007
  19. syrne

    syrne Senior Member

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    it takes time just try bending the bars more and messin with em
  20. Scare2

    Scare2 Senior Member

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    o hey morne. im just gonna say what i do when im really stuck with a style and its time for change but i cant. i basically stop doing anything related to the letters i used to be doing. like making the tops all the same in the bottom one here. or i go back to an old style. or i just sort of dooodle or go simpler and evolve from there. or i just make a point of not doing any of the same letters or doing all my letters with different structure. and i hate to say it but sometimes i bite other dudes for like three pieces and then come back to my shit and ill have fresh ideas on how to do it. but dont bite like a duche. and change is good its what progresses ur graff. if i were to try and change that style. i would stay simple. like dont do the wierd connections blocks or extensions just the bars. and id not draw guide lines to keep the letters same size and if u dont. then just make ur letters not exactly same hight and shit. and dont make ur O out of 4 bars (like maybe two curved ones or three or something to change the shape.) and change thicknesses a little and stuff basically. fuck with it until it looks really shitty and u hate it... then go from there.

    but that shit dont happen overnight. just keep working through the rough patche.s

    baze really good crit. morne you should listen to him because no offense that styles progressin like a dead sheep. takes time tho to get to that level. and baze damn id like to see a piece in that first style aha.

    naysayer check out bazes crit. i think whats happening to it is your trying to add style but ur bars arent flowin. keep working around and listen to bazer.

    i agree with hidden technique

    neuker nice throws but the name sumo is way played out bro not just because theres one dude that writes it but because ive seen like ten new guys come on here in the past couple weeks all writing it. but that dont mean u shouldnt be doin it.

    dawsek just keep goin doood try new w stuff.

    a skettchhy penmobile i did in class today theres some lines throught the letters and stuff but i decided to break from my simpler stuff. (in the bottom pic.) should i go with this style or try and bend out the bottom style.?
    says dason

    yeah the S blows
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2007