Work on your own style dont take his hard worked shit. Thats pretty weak.... Using it as a guide, yes..... Taking the style? NO!
just look at work and sketch everday for hours until your hand falls off, then when it does you wont have to worry about 3d cuz you will have no hand
everyone is jumping to conclusions, i NEVER said i wanted to bite him, i just wanted tips about 3d in general and seeing as thats what daim does i thought i say the way he does it so everyone could get an idea of what i meant
ok ok my bad, the only reason i said that is because daim is the only guy i know who does 3d, i just wanted tips on how to 3d in general, so sorry for gettin everyone confused.
One way to practice 3-d is I usually draw my letters I want to do in an slanted edge or bent so that when I'm done drawing them, they all share a common line that goes thorugh them. From there it gives you the impression their bending outwards towards you. Then you can shade the front of each letter in 3-d and shade tha back of each letter in 3-d as well, and add any specific color combinations you want on the way. That's how I usually do it and it typically works very well. I know it's kind of hard to understand. It's also hard to explain, I would try to post a picture of what I'm talking about but I don't know how to post pics.
awesome, that explanation didn't really exlain anything goto sign up there. Scan a picture of the 3D thing you do, upload it to and then paste the link it will give you here.
i was thinking the same thing i think he just sees a name clicks it doesnt read the first pages and just comments on what he thinks the subject is about i noticed he does that alot
Make up ur own style or chage some one else style dont just bite and have the same style as some one ACID
Thanks evo I guess i'll just try to figure out how to use this new photo bucket or whatever, and post a few pics a little later. And GeSuS, I actuallly do read the topics before I respond, and whats wrong with posting alot on different topics.
nothings wrong its just a few of your posts i read are way off topic like they have to do with the title name but not what the actually thread is about
oh just usually people dont include the capital S's in there but what ever on with this thread an enuf chit chat