Man I just wasted 5 minutes of my life reading this shit. The only thing that made it worth while was Dumb's killer smooth tag and Mr. She77's sketch in his signature.
Look dude, if you can't rock a tag in 2 seconds thats decent, I know you can't burn noone. Don't fool us dude...That didn't take 2 secodns...We ain't stupid, your a toy, we all know it, exept for you. Post some shit up if you wanna prove us wrong, but that wont happen.
u know what wuld b great if maniak just made up a shity tag on purpose nd posted it nd acted like he thought he waz good...nd then he challenged people to a battle nd he came out with this amazing piece haha that wuld b great
man...fuckin haters these days. wuts wrong with wut maniak sed . anyways everyone can suck my muthafuckin dick just like yer mom does it.
theres nothing wrong with what maniak said. if you read a lil more youl see this [Broken External Image]: thats whats wrong with maniak.
glue... you talk alot of shit.. but i dont see you posting anything...youll get e-hate just like everyone else bitch
heres a little something to chew on with nothing but a pen... havnt even colored it yet.... [Broken External Image]:
damn. i just awallowed mt pride. yo im so so so sorry for making fun of you. thats a burner right there, betta RCOGNIZE>
"noob?" fuck internet-earned respect. i've been writing for 5 years and i've been lurking here for 6 months. if you can't take the fact that you can't draw, period, then quit acting like you're the shit. this thread is dog fucking balls.