wwell i've been writing for a year now...i figured thats just below average for ym age (16) but i mainly use prismas...at first i started with decos but i just stopped liking them when i found out about prismas.....prismas and AD are almosr the exact same thing...but the thing is about graff is that writers use the most expensive stuff so its harder for toys and shit to keep up especially if they have no money and cant really jack anything.... so basically wut im saying is that maybe using what u got and knoing how it marks should do good for u ....i only use prismas cuz i can jack them easily from aarons brothers and they are nothing but go0d...i thingk i must of stole at least about $300 (u.s) in markers and that only got me like 100+ markers.... just stay up....
ok i have a bbooks and when i use prismas for it when i fill or outline it just spreads (ill make a small line and it gets two times as bigger. hat happen to you?
i used to use COPIC, but now im trying out the chartpak markers. chartpak has a really nice opaque look once they dry. my art store sells them individually so i go on ~$100 racking runs every month or so...
AAAHHHH NNOOOOOO YOU GUYS AND GALS DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. hands down best markers ever are permopaques their opaque as shit, the colors dont bleed like thoes shitty prismas do, and they dont go through your paper, just amazing color quality. about $2 each, come in some metallics as well.
i just use them big packs of gel pens, super fine sharpies, and the uni-ball pens tht run really smoothly
once i saw an ad for montana gold blackbook markers. not sure where to go but try this montana-paint.com
yo...exactly what ar eu trying to do...??cuz prismas are good for blending...and reagular coloring...well i think prismas are good all around...even for outlining...i used to use decos...but since someone told me about prismas....ive been using thems since..and i want to try to copics and Ad's...but I dont see whats wrong with sharpies...cuz when i want to color somehthing black or outline...i normally use sharpies...and they dont bleed through...prismas bleed more then sharpies do...
if your worried about bleeding, just put a scrap sheet underneath the page your doing. prismas are the best, they blend easy and layer nice.
yo those AD markers bleed like fuck.i use them once and went over like 2 pages.i now use a piece of thick paper underneath and it works well.also AD's aren't good for blending with other colors.they'rw too waterry
pilot V7 rolling ball, that and a marvy le plume double ended marker. i dont like to use color in my books.
i really like decos, but they are expensive, the only time i get them is when micheal's has a coupon in the sunday paper for "so- so percent off anythig"...one thing i got into using is mechanical pecils and the colored leads for them...its pretty cool