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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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    HELLO MY NAME iS KiDDO! New Member

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    HELLO MY NAME iS KiDDO! New Member

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    if you kan't read my shit it says.. 2006' ( diff' shades of green), the letters SH - for this rave i threw called Shake Like An Earthquake ( shades of brown, light brown, and reddish-brown), ITSK - (...crew i used to write for "It Takes Skills or Im The Shit 'Krew" (In Red, and the letter K in Green w/ White little stone-shaped patterns, and "KIDOE," on the top right w/ the colors of brown, orange, pink, and tan... kind of OKAY, not even close to my best pieces, but prolly one of the decent-okay ones.. mind you i just started getting back into graff' writing this year... that piece was obviously made over a year ago, mind-you the 2006' in the beginning. does anyone here write from the 818 area?... i wanna go bombing with someone real bad... i got a buncha cans, tips, etc.. and a car. lets paint the city rainbow y'all...

    - kiddo One_soN aka KIHDOER! oneR'... but not for long.
  3. IwriteNASR

    IwriteNASR Senior Member

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    glass- i think itd look better with the letters not pushed together for that style
    queenz- finish that fill its gonna look sick, second one looks pretty nice
    seyar- i agree with drak s ,e ,a are nice
    drak- i like ur simpler better
    kiddo- looks pretty sick
    [Broken External Image]:
    experimenting with fill+style
  4. EKE

    EKE Senior Member

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    kiddo: beutiful
  5. EKE

    EKE Senior Member

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    nasr work on the N and the A mostly the N... the fill is decent tho
  6. IwriteNASR

    IwriteNASR Senior Member

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    bump bottom of page
  7. EKE

    EKE Senior Member

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    nasr basically on the N dont divide up the top left corner part of the N like you did and on the A the legs of the A shouldn't cross under the cross bar thing...
  8. IwriteNASR

    IwriteNASR Senior Member

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    scoot use the same size bars
  9. EKE

    EKE Senior Member

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    scoot clean it up a bit and try making the letters mor consistint thikness
  10. giganticCrane

    giganticCrane Senior Member

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  11. glass

    glass Senior Member

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  12. EKE

    EKE Senior Member

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    interesting style the A is sick but i dont really like the S and the L and G arent bad but they could be better...
  13. popshots

    popshots Senior Member

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    [Broken External Image]:
    giganticrane:i like the tag jus not ther peice to much... the colors r a little much for me
    glas: dont overlap the s with the other letters make the l a little bigger and ad some 3d
    nasr: i like the fill
  14. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    hottt except for the s,it looks a little weird. try and make the top curvy part of it come over the straight bar thing if that makes sense. you've improved a buttload since the last piece i've seen of yours, good stuff

    rave it's ok, that font's kinda hard to pull off so keep trying, the thinner parts of the r, v, and e could stand to be a little thicker.
  15. EKE

    EKE Senior Member

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    popshots... wut does it say? and it needs work... clean it up
  16. Phobia-oner

    Phobia-oner Member

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    Hey man which thread is the one with the bars tutorial thing?
  17. rayseone

    rayseone Senior Member

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  18. popshots

    popshots Senior Member

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    it says nerm..... go to the new to graffiti thread
  19. freakeenyc

    freakeenyc Senior Member

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  20. amk

    amk Elite Member

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    age doesnt matter in the slightest .. im with is Sume..i think?..
    Nice sketches tho...keep it up...


    sum new memebers i seeeeee..hmmm

    Freakay....very niceeee...i love your style like..the top and bottom Wienots show your style very well...keep it up.. point in telling you to one. use bars ... two . do simples..
    coz ill just be wasting my breath....Mike finished that shit for now i carnt be arsed..nice colouring...bout it...if i was to say work on your letters coz thyere extremely bad it would be the same as saying go simple and use bars..


    i give on your letters....and use bars...fuck dont need them...and colours..drop them...dont waste them..focuz on your letters..

    where the heck did tricks get too ?
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2007