haha srecan ti rodendan. its a crappy flick and i painted over the shit on the right im suprised you read as much as you did. and as i said morbid on the left. i wanna know if its legible.
this doesnt seem much better to me...maybe...the sharpie over it kinda ruined the effect....the style suck but just crit the letter structure @BB i can make out the morb but not the rest
[Broken External Image]:http://widget.slide.com/rdr/1/1/4/S/5000000176388e7/1/239/ArvSkpea5j89whLjjgpmx2RR1wXNuWYv.jpg SORT let the girl outline it , she flopped the top of the S , haha. Makr- that A dont flow man. Seek- go to the core basics, same height width no curves just simple blocks/ Bohemian- Fire.
Used the paint refill drops I see. I used that shit on a canvas, looks better if you turn it upward right after applying it.
hey, knucks, why dont you shut the FUCK up and stop PMing me how you 'burn me' and shit? Seek's stuff is better than yours, man. Starting to make me laugh!
Seeks shit is better than Mr. Wildstyles, he's sticking to what he's supposed to, and actually took some advice... Therefore leading to something called PROGRESSION.
No, its really not ALL that horrible, man... But when someone tells you to fuck off after you have given them advice, and then after that sends you a PM stating how they could burn you and shit, kinda pisses you off. You get me?
are you calling this a bite or what honestly the only resembelance i see is the semetry man or are you showing me that there is another jaze or what this one caught me off guard
Due, looking good, man... Keep working with bars, stay consistant, all that. Post some individual shits! Jaze, your shit really does look alot like that flick...
seriously ive never seen that before if i had i would say would you guys considder it a bite i would gladly change my name or anything i can do