I just bought some rusto fats and NY fats. im more of a throw up handtyle guy right now and dont get into huge multi color peices yet. are these good for throws and hand styles? the only caps ive tried have been pink dots i love those
rusto for paint because theyve got a dope color selection at home depot, not as good but decent color selection at walmart, for caps ny fats are the way to go
painters touch with a sekt adapter and grey dot are great for throwies and scratchin, but if im piecin i use ironlak for sure. lak is good all around in my opinion. doesnt drip that bad, and when you go back the next day when its dry it smells kinda weird. and sweet. like fruit hahaha
theres this organic lubercant called fluid film and it comes with a male needle cap and you can take the needle off and it sprays a mefium spray and with the needle it sprays rely thin
i didnt bother to check if someone already did this but it would dope if someone posted all the different kinds of caps
Hi,im new here and im interessted aout graffitti,i've been drawing on the paper for a while,and i now wanna nw what's the diffrence about:cap fat pink and cap fat black?? and other combinations...
as long as its a fat cap there isnt too much difference... ive noticed some spray better than others though. like with montana pink dots you got a nice clearly defined fat ass circle, but like the ironlak ones arent as exact about how it sprays. 'laks are pretty sick though cuz they come with 2 fats and a skinny, the fats are good for fades too
So I went to rack some fats of some Elmer spray glue but couldn't find it... They still making it? What other products work for fats
they're still good caps but their not rusto fats anymore, you have to catch the old cans. michaels, hobby lobby, and small craft stores are more likely to still have the older cans the new caps off the new cans arent consistant at all..sometimes youll get a real fat one, and sometimes youll get a dusty thin one but i get some dope caps off them from..like 1 out of every 3
anyone tried Montana level 6 caps im planning on buying a 10 pack if there alright need a fat cap to fill