What A fucking idiot...trains pass by rooftops all the tops...Fuckin rooftops are like the hottest surface
yea its true^ here in chicago to. about 70% of bombs and pieces are on tops, most others that ive seen that are on walls are legal, like the walls of style up west
haha that did sound funny i was recently in vancouver where they have a sky train. i dont know of asnywhere else in the world that has one of those though. except maybe france. ...or japan 0_o
Ya the van sky train route is dope as hell. It's like a riding tour of sick graffiti. There is some seriously amazing shit...NWK and ensoe pieces that are litterally like 70 feet wide. The spok and serk shit was nuts too.
ive been checkin' out this site for awhile now... i just did this last night. it says "Look--> HCS EPHeKT" note: i didnt do that shitty HCS throwup.
ho do i get on roofs??? i dont fukin know it depends wot shits there like there mite be a bin or there might be a ladder
umm just look in the front of the building or back climb gas lines or you might be able to find a low part grab your skate stak it then climb on it then onto the building
If you don't have the basic skills to climbing on a rooftop, you shouldn't even be writing. Sorry kids, writing isn't for fat people.
you have just won the contest for the most overused comment on this Tips and Tricks part of the site 'you you cant even make/do/climb to a _______, you shouldnt be writiing in the first place' original thoughts anyone?
i keep a ladder in my back pocket. what the fuck kind of question is this you dont have to be a fuckin ninja to climb a building