you just gotta act casual. if shit gets shaddy then peace out, but otherwise, act normal and noone will say anything.
marker tags r dun during the day throw ups at nite pieces at nite if u cant do marker tags during the day than ur a pussy buh sum spots to do marker tags r pretty sketch like stop signs and other road signs
i live in a small town, no more than 40 000 and only like 20-30 writers...i slap stickers up alot in the day and tags, sometimes i bomb the bridge...we also got 2 legal walls COMA
lol wtf? aint one part of bombing is the thrill? well neways, i do my slaps n mops daytime, and lil throwies when the streets kinda deserted in the mid-day when every1s at work or school. best time to tag in the day...thats if u dont have school/skippin/or just really got the itch to bomb in the mida-day btw. ive been hearing legal walls?? meaning every writer goes there??and pigs dont give a shit?? WTF my city gotta have one of those!
acouple people here only paint legal...not me...and the cops never do nothin but 1 guy got busted painting nazi shit... 1 walls by the tracks, the other 1's on some business... heard some1 just asked if they could paint there and the owner said sure, its been legal since... comatosE!
hey dyou think if i ask the park ppl if i can spray up theyre skate park theyll let me or i should just go ahead and do it illegal?(cuz once i ask and they dont let me, i cant do shit nomore cuz theyll kno its me )
its a tough call.... u could bomb it, wait awile, then ask if they would make it legal graf. park... ComatosE
thats a small town. we have like 15000 and like 2 writers including myself other one is JONK but i can never seem to find out who he is. anyone got ideas to find out who he is and meet up with him
^^^^ i did a throwie while i was on the highway overpass on the way home in the from drinking at my friends place the other night haha nice.. cuz i just rememberd bombin it wit one of my friends b4
yeah thats on a highway ppl go 60 miles plus there aint no fool gonna stop buh on a road where ppl go slower buh a lot of cars go on its sketchy mang ppl is alos less likely to call cops sinse they going so fast and dont wanna crash
hey everyone!!! heres a rule about daytime bombing: dont be a dumbass. this is what i whitnessed today: a 13 year old kids running down a block of cars painting on their hoods. he got picked up by a cop, put up no fight. enough said. who says that waiting outside for the public bus is waste of time??? i got a good 10 minutes of free entertainment. lesson: dont be retarded.
OR there would be highway cops that are more bitchier than the street cops.. (least in my area)which woulnd take the exit just to book a lil throwie as or the guy waiting for buses.. i should actually do that! i live a couple blocks from the waiting needed just a lil too bait cus its beside a mall.
just take extra care identifying escape roots and try to make it hard for anyone to give a good discription of you and dont go climbing on rooves and shit have clothes you can take off/put on to make you look different or just bomb some xanax and a 6 pack down so you dont have a care in the world
dont make eye contact with people, and dont talk if they talk to you (i dunno if this works for bombing, but it works for hopping through backyards )