damn i need to get me some new sakuras. they dont last long. and i havent used a pilot jumbo in a month. fuck im so poor
your an idiot my 99 cent chrome mop is 10x better than your full flowpen set im not jealous of your shit i jsut know you dont need all of it
no your wrong theyre dope, if you make them double. theyre just expensive and not very big. and fuck jobs.
again sorry for the size. more shit [Broken External Image]:http://www.photodump.com/direct/iner/DSC02346.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://www.photodump.com/direct/iner/DSC02348.jpg
man your chromey is fucken ace oblong, but i heard from a talking bird that it takes fucken like a can of painte every 5 tags :blink: