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Graffiti For Dummies

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by MoNkEy, Oct 3, 2004.

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  1. Jake_NN_Bake

    Jake_NN_Bake Senior Member

    • Messages: 52
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    Oh shit. Sorry I saw it not too far down the list and assumed it was still alive. My bad.
  2. spher

    spher Senior Member

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    i know its a fucking dead thread an all but you dont like it ill cut ya so listen up ...... racking , i literrally shat my pants the first time i done it but after working a couple of stacking selve jobs i realised three things kinda tips about racking , basically go in find a spot no cameras... then whos most likely to see ya the butter the shit out of um act all nicey nice then think this your getting paid minimum wage from possiblely a multi billon company are you gona chase some dodgy looking fucker down the road for 20 dollars of merchandise and next big companise dont give a fuck .... look dodgy get in get out be smart , done
  3. sape

    sape Member

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    <a href="http://********.com/catalog/index.php?afref=88078" target="_blank"><img src="http://********.com/affiliates/AP_AffiliatesBannerCOVRS.jpg" border="0" alt="Art Primo Graff Supplies" /></a>
  4. xsteamzx

    xsteamzx Member

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    Seems awesome. Might be interested
  5. Sicotik13

    Sicotik13 Senior Member

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    this is actually a pretty sweet thread!
  6. SinOneGraffiti

    SinOneGraffiti New Member

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    If all else fails...

    To start out just develop your tag, don't worry about wildstyle, or crazy effects. Keep letter structure simple, and take your time. In terms of markers, I personally started with shitty crayola markers... While developing, don't worry about paint markers, as they are privcy, and for someone just doing quick sketches on the front of a binder, they are pointlesss... Once you start doing canvases, and have come to a point where you have a solid tag, and throwie, I would highly recommend Molotow One4All markers. Most opaque, and efficient paint I have ever used. In terms of getting up, it's your choice. I personally don't go bombing, as I just enjoy doing canvases, hats, or black book pieces. Although I personally don't go out bombing, if you wish to go get your name out there, I would reccomend Krink, OTR or GROG. I do not support illegal graffiti, and can not be held responsible, if you choose to go out bombing because of my post. The most important rule of graffiti, that everyone has forgotten at some point or another is: "If all else fails, keep it simple, and stick with it" A clean throwie, will always look better than a poorly done wildstyle. Keep your lines clean, and markers full of paint, and you should do ok