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Discussion in 'Picture gallery' started by geezpot, May 2, 2004.

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  1. FRE

    FRE Senior Member

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  2. EBA

    EBA Elite Member

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    It's up and running and I am just testing it out right now But I will likely invite people tomorrow. It will require a working e-mail aaddress for you to get the invite. If you prefer to keep that secret, juat drop me a DM. You can do so by clicking your inbox at the top left, selecting "Start New Conversation" and then putting my screen name ("EBA") in the "participants" field.
  3. Ijustwantyoulifeline

    Ijustwantyoulifeline Elite Member

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  4. EBA

    EBA Elite Member

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    Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
  5. Junglizt

    Junglizt Senior Member

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    Here’s a thing

  6. Side_One

    Side_One Senior Member

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    Focus on simple letters first because as a starter you will get lost easily what letter is where and that's why its messing you up. If you practice consistently than you will get the hang of it. Once you achieved that step, move to the next stage where you can make more complex letters by adding more elements to give certain weight and balance to your letters. As for shading, my preference is vantage points. A quick google search/youtube video should explain with a breeze. Hope that helps. Good Luck!!
  7. Side_One

    Side_One Senior Member

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    I'm guessing that you write 'intoe' from your sketch/username. I'll try to make you a sketch with simple letters and 3D to steer you in the right direction.
  8. Side_One

    Side_One Senior Member

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    Here is one I did really quick. First, try simple letters and go over the outline in red. Make sure that all letters are the same weight and size as pictured in the first photo. Second photo, you choose a vantage point where you want your 3D to go( I chose bottom middle but it can be bottom left or bottom right or anywhere you want to choose). Third and fourth photos are how it would look finished.

    It will take a lot of practice, I been in the same spot as you when starting out. I'm not perfect either but I'm gradually improving. I can only speak for myself so take my advice with a grain of salt. I practiced different letters. From those letters I would always make a different version and would analyze after I finished my sketch how I could of done better or what worked best/didn't. Furthermore, I would only focus on one letter a day to finish my piece because if I did finish in one day I felt liked I rushed it.




  9. Proper

    Proper Elite Member

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    This is a cool project, I like it.
    Also you've been holding down this thread for ages it seems. Major props.
  10. intoeCAN

    intoeCAN Member

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    Looks cool, I need more practise I guess... some people are just naturally sick at it which I find is pretty awesome lol thanks for your sketches
  11. Ijustwantyoulifeline

    Ijustwantyoulifeline Elite Member

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  12. krazyphlava

    krazyphlava Senior Member

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  13. ElbowMacK187

    ElbowMacK187 Elite Member

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  14. (SoS)Viruz

    (SoS)Viruz Elite Member

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    Some loosies that went to the wall.....


  15. watchawant

    watchawant Senior Member

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