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Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by imported_newz12, May 2, 2004.

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  1. Batman_Onest

    Batman_Onest Banned

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    it's not necessary, anyone with a porcupine's level of craftsmanship can figure it out.

    It's a pretty shit mop, too.
  2. FuckedReadsSister

    FuckedReadsSister Member

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    what are all the pumpable markers out there. like the dalo's but other ones. are there any others
  3. toys!

    toys! Senior Member

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    Dalos kick ass you just have to know how to use them its not that hard practise some tags just keep a consistant speed and pump it about 30 times not 10. They are amazing markers if you use them properly.
  4. immoral

    immoral Elite Member

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    Lets hear some K66 Modifications.
  5. ohgawdxcarcrash

    ohgawdxcarcrash Elite Member

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    when you first get a dalo, pump it atleast 30-40 times.
    then after that 10-20
  6. MontanaPainter

    MontanaPainter Elite Member

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  7. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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    I have a Grog 25 Squeezer Mop for sale/trade, it's been used for 6 tags so It's almost to the brim.
  8. MontanaPainter

    MontanaPainter Elite Member

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    queezy, fucking stop


    report that fag
  9. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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    Dam tht fuickn sux balz man
  10. immoral

    immoral Elite Member

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    Buying used mops is what I love doing in my freetime.
  11. SAID

    SAID Moderator

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    hahah seriously, this isn't the fucken trading thread, learn to read.

    ..and spell.
  12. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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    it's called sarcasm
  13. MontanaPainter

    MontanaPainter Elite Member

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    It's called poor grammer.
  14. Cesk

    Cesk Banned

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    GRAMMAR* !!! How fucking ironic eh? ;)


    Question, after you use a Kiwi mops shoe ink on the Kiwi mop can you still fill it with your own ink using the same nib? Cause I have one I use for my dress shoes and I don't want it to go to waste. So yeah, help would be usefull :D
  15. immoral

    immoral Elite Member

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    I have had the problem of the ink from the original kiwi itself mixing with my own recipe and making it this slush of a fucking mess inside the marker, ruining the nib as well.

    Also, the inks I make seem to expand the nib on a kiwi like the mushroom cloud of an atomic bomb.
  16. ohgawdxcarcrash

    ohgawdxcarcrash Elite Member

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    clean the nib and inside the container thoroughly. ink/paint will turn into a thick blob if mixed with something that isn't the same base as the ink/paint.
  17. MontanaPainter

    MontanaPainter Elite Member

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    shut up, mexicans dont even know what grammer is.

  18. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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    haha u fucking dumbass look, at my other posts and see if you find poor grammar douche.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2008
  19. Olick

    Olick Elite Member

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    so how do you guys keep from ur OT mops from blowing up. the plastic gets weaker and the nib just plops off like nothin.
  20. Cesk

    Cesk Banned

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    Motherfucker, you do realize you made the same fucking mistake AGAIN? I may be mexican but you're just a moron... GRAMMAR*