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Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by imported_newz12, May 2, 2004.

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  1. MontanaPainter

    MontanaPainter Elite Member

    • Messages: 2,129
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    That's how I spell it.
    i really dont give a fuck about grammer.
    im just giving you shit, dont take it to heart
    as long as ur not like 0mgz guy5zors i g0ts a n3wz k1w1 y000!!

    and Cesk can you help me with my spanish homework
  2. simple zen

    simple zen Elite Member

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    someone have any experience with zig postermans? i just copped one, opaque as shit son. is it refillable?
  3. noxi

    noxi Elite Member

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    Its easily buffable, just fill it with your own ink.
  4. simple zen

    simple zen Elite Member

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    it says it's permanent when it dries.
  5. Spraycan Stories

    Spraycan Stories Senior Member

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    I've always used prismas but I've always wanted to try those touch markers. Which one is better and can i get touch in the U.S.
  6. Cesk

    Cesk Banned

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    I love em, try to cop the Biggies. They are refillable turn the the oposite way that you would open a lets say... Window Marker? But postermans are good cause if you use the nib with their ink for a while then you fill it with your ink, your ink will be a lot more opaque because the nib already om nom nom nomed all the posterman ink. It's not as permanent, it can be buffed with thinner but it's opaque as hell.

    NONE! Get a needle stab your arm, suck up a good wad of blood and use the needle to write with your blood.
  7. MontanaPainter

    MontanaPainter Elite Member

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    prismas have a WAYYYY better nib

    but i like touchs

    not worth buying

    i would go with prismas though
  8. ErrorOner...

    ErrorOner... Elite Member

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    HAHAAHA yo wtf " your ink will be a lot more opaque because the nib already om nom nom nomed all the posterman ink." lol to the supreme.:D. maybe i'm too high!?:confused:
  9. simple zen

    simple zen Elite Member

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    lol nah that geniuinely made zero fucking sense.
  10. Cesk

    Cesk Banned

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    Nothing is worth buying ^__^
    I've only racked 3 Prismas in my time, Prismas are literally impossible to rack in Mexico D:
    But yeah, prismas all the way. Ive only tried Teal,Black and Blue, and it was amazing.

    My post or bluntmans?
  11. Olick

    Olick Elite Member

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    anyone kno the main ingredient that causes it? alcohol? xylene? mineral spirits? paint itself?
  12. MontanaPainter

    MontanaPainter Elite Member

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    actually ive had that happen many times
    i say xylene
    and paint thinnner
  13. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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    Whats an OT mop?
  14. six6six

    six6six Senior Member

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    paint thinner weakens the plastic.

    OT= oriental trading
  15. Queezy

    Queezy Elite Member

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  16. immoral

    immoral Elite Member

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    Paint thinner is essentially a decomposing or desolving liquid, I'd assume... So that would do it.

    Go with some Acrllic mixes in the OT mops and maybe you'll like the colorpossibilities more as well as the drying time if you are not thinning with Drying Agents.
  17. six6six

    six6six Senior Member

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    acrylics work really good in the ot mops if you want them to last longer
  18. -Leski

    -Leski Senior Member

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    The word of the day is solvent, paint thinner is a solvent. Water is also a solvent.

    CROSS EM OUT AND PUT A K Senior Member

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    thats why i stick with the paint thinner in the plastic bottles rather then the metal bottle ones
  20. ErrorOner...

    ErrorOner... Elite Member

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    Should i mix molotow gold burner paint with my own burner paint from a can??