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Official Sketch Battle (March 2014)

Discussion in 'Old battles' started by newz12, Mar 4, 2014.

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  1. Staff Member

    newz12 Administrator

    • Messages: 562
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    It's back!
    We are proud to host a new Official Sketch Battle. This one will be judged by Monk-E of the K6A crew. Here are his instructions for the battle:

    - Word to sketch = WORD
    - Full colour sketches

    /30 calligraphical structure and the strenght and complexity of the letter
    /20 originality and unicity of artistic identity
    /20 colours, textures and effects
    /20 composition and mouvements
    /10 background and/or characters, the environnement in which the lettering is placed


    1st Place: 12 Molotow Premium Cans, 12 Molotow 127HS markers + $50 Bombing Science Gift Certificate
    2nd Place: 12 Molotow Premium Cans + $25 Bombing Science Gift Certificate
    3rd Place: $25 Bombing Science Gift Certificate

    Note: the battle is open to everyone, but we can only ship paint within the USA and Canada. If you live outside of Canada and the USA we will give you a store credit for the value of the cans if you win.

    You have until March 31st 2014 to submit your sketch. Send your sketch in a JPG format and rename the file to your artist name (example: artistname.jpg), email it to this address: [email protected]
    Good luck to all!
  2. hungover

    hungover Elite Member

    • Messages: 586
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    Good luck everyone!
  3. Ahoy514

    Ahoy514 Member

    • Messages: 8
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  4. Caleb

    Caleb Member

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    Rules? What mediums are allowed... digital?
  5. buttqueef

    buttqueef Senior Member

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  6. abeoners

    abeoners Senior Member

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    perwakilan dari indonesia ada tidak ya ?? :rolleyes:
  7. Semper

    Semper Moderator

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    I'm definitely down for this
  8. gemer

    gemer Senior Member

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    sounds exciting
  9. plaqe

    plaqe New Member

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    How many can be sent it? per person that is.
  10. Semper

    Semper Moderator

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    1 I would assume ^
  11. Staff Member

    newz12 Administrator

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    Only one per person
  12. SKH

    SKH New Member

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    Very good idea!
  13. BigVers1250

    BigVers1250 New Member

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    should our entry be done in calligraphy style?
  14. signo

    signo New Member

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    hello ! i'm french it's possible? it takes a sketch in color or black and white is accepted ?

    Peace. Signo jdz
  15. gopedkid

    gopedkid New Member

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  16. buttqueef

    buttqueef Senior Member

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    the rules say it has to be in full color
  17. Caleb

    Caleb Member

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    Define "composition and mouvements" please...
  18. BORG

    BORG Moderator

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    [h=2]com·po·si·tion[/h] /ˌkɒm astatic.sfdict.com_dictstatic_dictionary_graphics_luna_thinsp.png pəˈzɪʃ astatic.sfdict.com_dictstatic_dictionary_graphics_luna_thinsp.png ən/ Show Spelled [kom-puh-zish-uh astatic.sfdict.com_dictstatic_dictionary_graphics_luna_thinsp.png astatic.sfdict.com_dictstatic_dictionary_graphics_luna_thinsp.png n] noun 1. the act of combining parts or elements to form a whole.

    2. the resulting state or product.

    3. manner of being composed; structure: This painting has an orderly composition.

    4. makeup; constitution: His moral composition was impeccable.

    5. an aggregate material formed from two or more substances: a composition of silver and tin.

    [h=2]move·ment[/h] /ˈmuv astatic.sfdict.com_dictstatic_dictionary_graphics_luna_thinsp.png mənt/ Show Spelled [moov-muh astatic.sfdict.com_dictstatic_dictionary_graphics_luna_thinsp.png astatic.sfdict.com_dictstatic_dictionary_graphics_luna_thinsp.png nt] noun 1. the act, process, or result of moving.

    2. a particular manner or style of moving.

    3. Usually, movements. actions or activities, as of a person or a body of persons.

    4. Military, Naval. a change of position or location of troops or ships.

    5. abundance of events or incidents.
  19. SMOETH

    SMOETH Member

    • Messages: 33
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    just sent mine in...hopefully this battle will feature some really sick pieces. good luck to all

    SVEZAJEZA Senior Member

    • Messages: 96
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    its good to be back. These are fun, only found out yesterday. would like to be more elaborate but oh well.
    For thoes who like an early peep.
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