[Broken External Image]:http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/name1name1name1/Paint/1sdgdfgthgfhj.jpg some ones room
yo SNOWSKATE you gotta be the lamest muthafucker on this whole damn internet. foeal dawg u are a fucking fannah. u never bombed shit in you fuckin life kid. eat a dick name1 says eat a dick post more of my flicks u fucking flannagan. post em 10 times so they dont close the thread too FAN
omg theres so much bitching about skateboarding in this i forgot what the theread is about...fuckin annopying "e-beef" shit
ok here it is from the door view [Broken External Image]:http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/7852/mehroom0017hc.jpg tv and stuff [Broken External Image]:http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/2942/mehroom0029ph.jpg computer [Broken External Image]:http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/8338/mehroom0038uu.jpg walk in closet [Broken External Image]:http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/6145/mehroom0041ao.jpg anime collection, a lot are missing but w/e [Broken External Image]:http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/4764/mehroom0050eo.jpg thats meh roomy
he's hardly ever in my room and hardly ever goes on my bed, but i think it had something to do with us gettin another cat, cuz it started right after we got the other one, i never saw him piss on my bed but he would go right in front of my mom and piss a little on the floor sometimes lol so thats why we think it's him
I rember for my 13th birthday my cat had this nasty crazzy alien shit and shat all over my new hoodie and we took it to the vet and the vet put it to sleep....I hated that cat so much......
idk why, but that is the funniest thing ive ever heard before, you didnt like something so you killed it, eh if only life was the same way.
View attachment 166437 View attachment 166438 the home you dont see the bong the spray paint the girls the booze the 45. the ounce of bud on the kitchen table and the hidden disco lights
[Broken External Image]:http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b258/jonathanl14/Picture005.jpg i gotta hide my suplies from my parents=) haha i got my bat next to my bed
i didn't kill it....we took it cause we were trying to put it up for adoption and it was too old or had an illness and they put it down...but i did fucking hate that cat.....we took it form the adaption place cause it was the most friendly cat there...with in 5 minutes in my house it went under my parents bed and stayed there for 13 years only to come out and shit/piss allover the house and its shit was fucking rancid....I hated it with a passion....fuck that cat....I shit on it when I'm burning in hell....
(removed pics) I have the whole downstairs, theres my own bathroom at the end of the hallway and my gym is in the garage. B) Ideal for midnight tokes