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sticker tips

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by PRIMEape, Sep 10, 2009.

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  1. goonzatwork

    goonzatwork Senior Member

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    rack a can of elmer's spray glue or clear coat.
    slap your sticker if its like a usps label or some shit this works for this kind of sticker...

    slap your sticker up, spray a thin layer of the glue over the sticker.
    preserves the color a little
  2. Flawless Victory

    Flawless Victory Elite Member

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    if you are trying to save the color, why not the spray it on at home?
  3. Mystik*

    Mystik* Member

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    yea really, and i really dont think its worth it anyways, stickers take like a minute to make at most. i hate the ideas of people slashing at their stickers and spraying shit on em, its kinda dumb if you ask me ive slapped mailing labels written on with decos about a year ago and still are perfect. only time id take some extra time is when you do that adhesive spray on some smooth cement then stick a sticker over it then spray more adhesive over it, like a wheat paste sticker kinda, i heard it actually works great.
  4. PRIMEape

    PRIMEape Senior Member

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    ya i had a this combo up that lasted about a lil less than a year
  5. MarsWTF

    MarsWTF Member

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    Whats the easiest way I can make some stickers at home? But I want to be able to print my design onto them.. also they need to be light and water proof. As it is rainy over here. Haha.
  6. provinT13

    provinT13 Senior Member

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    ^^ Follow the tutorial posted a few pages back
  7. my.favorite.addiction

    my.favorite.addiction Banned

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    I dunno about you guys,but I like it when writers actually put some effort into their stickers. A tag on a sticker? thats some kid shit. I want my USPS to look lke the goddamn Mona Lisa. Whoever pulls off my sticker should be weeping while they do it//
  8. provinT13

    provinT13 Senior Member

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    I agree. Stickers are quick, and tags are already quick. A sticker is a great way to get a mini throwie or sketch up on the wall, rathen then grabbing 3 cans and goin at it in the middle of the day, just put it on a sticker and put em everywhere.
  9. CrAzOnEr!

    CrAzOnEr! Senior Member

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  10. Boutique12

    Boutique12 Banned

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  11. PRIMEape

    PRIMEape Senior Member

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    ^^^^ god i fuckin hate bots
  12. ShortRound

    ShortRound Member

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    It spraypaints the stickers does what it's told.
    Give your postal stickers a little spray paint then draw on gives your ink a nice gloss since it's not soaking into the sticker and also makes the sticker last longer since the rain isn't eating away at the sticker.
  13. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    On a few slaps I did, I burned the edges to add to whatever shit I drew on it. I pretty much only do it if it has brown or dark red in it though, to add to the effect. In my opinion, anyway.
  14. doze_one

    doze_one Member

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    anybody got any sticker packs they wanna send out? pm me if so
  15. Fury

    Fury Elite Member

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    If you're in Texas, why don't you just order some off of USPS or go to the post office and pick some up?
  16. doze_one

    doze_one Member

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    i mean stickers people have done, not blanks
  17. inpho_211

    inpho_211 Senior Member

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    wut part of tex r u from??
  18. doze_one

    doze_one Member

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    dallas, what about you?
  19. inpho_211

    inpho_211 Senior Member

    • Messages: 428
    • Likes Received: 0 me instead..
  20. PSYS

    PSYS Senior Member

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    i never spend a ton of time on stickers. it's a quick way to get noticed. that's it. i do try and use paint markers because it typically lasts longer. I don't go out of my way to clearcoat the sticker but if time permits, I'll do it. Otherwise... my stickers are always very basic. 1... maybe 2 colors at best.