thx,.... i just bought 2 from Office Max. only 1store had em, &only in white. $3.99 each,...yeah their package says sharpie now. but still says "Sanford Mean Streak" on the marker itself. 1 office depot had 1, . i think these are all old back stock. i may have to buy 'em out. heh. ,,, i cant wait to get down...... -oh yeah,.... i found out -Staples- has 'em,(according to their website).but their arent any around here. --but anyway, hooray 4officemax.
the officemax and depot both dont got them here 4 bucks dude u could of racked em these are the easiest stores to rack at
walk into the farming store.. look for hide markers.. its a paint stick.. lika bigass crayon.. pay if you would like.. 99 cents.. or rank.. its up to you.
i know what it is but the problem is that there aren't any places near me that have em. i dunno i'll go looking around tomorrow.
today i found out that sakuras are ez as hell to buff wit goof off i had to clean the graff in the bathroom that this guy did fuckin asshole teachers dont know shit fuck them
I love my sakura it's awesome and really hard to buff off, I dont really perfer it to be atip i like it the flat circle.... But yeah if you want it to be a tip then use the sides and make one... Nosypainter
[Broken External Image]: Haha...vintage streaker. And it's all mine
hahahahahah.... Very nice lol, I still have alot of my sakura left but i have no idea where I put it, Ponders*.... I gotta go find it bye bye....