I think you should use what eva you got handy, marker,can, marker with etch witch wont be buffed, or a scribe.
fucking get scribers from school for glass. u use them in metal tech for marking the metal n shit. i made mine in grade 8 so i made mine sharper . wats better OTR hard 2 buff or molotow burner? coz i might be buying 1 on weekend
tagging windows is so cool but my markers stink like hell and i got cought by the cops by acedent they yust smeld the markers <_<
if u think ur cool enough try and use etch (wear gloves) if you want to be a normal person scratch it or paint it
Speaking of the anarchist's cookbook, i have a free one here online, but it doens't have all the sweet shit the Original one does. but it does show you some chemicals and homade shit. Not just for graff, but for much more! Personally i've sent cars to hell using the methods on that page.... and the Diskette bomb works wonders on those faggot teachers at school. Even teaches you how to grow your own Herbal Remedies! Last i looked anyway. http://home.tiscali.be/comicstrip/anarcook/indanarcook.html Enjoy.
yo leather dye is the best shit not the kiwi stuff but the stuff u put on ur shoes 2 change the colour it sinkz into the metal so the only way to get rid of it iz 2 replace the window...well ur day can only be a good one if u make somebodyz else day complete shit
besides those shit whites frm staples, where's the best place to get in UK to get taggin markers for windows?
etch for shizzle. [Broken External Image]:http://myspace-808.vo.llnwd.net/00395/80/81/395071808_l.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://myspace-708.vo.llnwd.net/00441/80/79/441179708_l.jpg last 2 flix stolen