best stuff from my experence on windows is posterman they got nibs thick as fuck and the paint in them is ouderless so it's like ure invinceable lol 0.0
best to use either postermans from hobbie craft bout £6 or OTR mini and normal OTR in white n orange it comes out fat trust safe people rome cbd crew
yo r3st one i live in aus to and case it takes to long to get stuff shipped out and if i cant get to the city den i just get any fat texta put a bit of metho and a bit of brake fluid into my texta and den it eats into glass but not dat much
i like mean streaks because its like a paint stick so it sorta comes out in a thick layer unlike ink, i once tagged with a mean streak and they had to paint over it not buff
does OTR flowpens work well on glass?? if not could i add anything to the ink when i get it so it will stain?
First things first. Glas is the easiest thing to buff shit off of due to its durability to cleaning solutions and its glossy surface. Otr markers, or any markers for the most part can be buffed of off glass easily for the majority of the time. As far as Etching goes, Just be careful with it and try to make it look good. Alot of etch stuff looks like complete shit. But i like using my pentel, my pilot, or a mop. I cant get enough of mops these days, and i did one on a abandoned store front the other night and it just drips sooo well.
streaks,scribes,rocks,and sand paper. oh and etch. otr goes smooth on windows,but you can rub that shit off.
what ever i can find to use to scracth in... or something that will scracth into the glass with... easyest way
i watched the rock last night, that part where sean connery uses a quarter to score the glass and break it is crazy. from now on im only gonna use quarters and watch sean connery movies