yah i know its everywhere, but i cant just liek take a chip outa the groudn and use it.... can i? lol i imagine it has fuckign rocks in it, and its hardened so i can liek soften teh hard shit with naptha ?
When its in its soft state you can even. i get it pure in a tar/liquid form.. which is the best. but i have picked up soft tarmac and dissolved and mixxed, then sived out undisolvable material.
^okay, so liek on a really hot day when the tar shit thats put in the like crack is melty, i can use that? where do you get yours in pure tar/liquid form? liek do you think home depot or somethign woudl have it? unless its a secret then thats fine. ALSO how would i filter teh shits out? id imagine filter paper wouldnt work for this as it does for ink? haha sorry for all teh questions just tryin to get things straight
ok i have $40 dollars i wanna make AS MUCH ink as possible but not pen ink.... help (looks at inkhead clan of bombingscience)
get spirit based woodstain it comes in plenty of colours stains well and holds well in the sun can pick it up quite cheap too
agreed. i use straight up woodstain in bingo dabbers by itself, the drips and consistency are perfect, doesnt fade in the sun either.
you seriuos thats crazy ive been trying to make ink thats easy that dont fade in the sun, where i live i cant find fiebings now i ca just walk down the street and threw a parking lot and get woodstain. is there a certain brand or base kind im sposed to get
i dont think so, although im not sure. i racked mine from the dollar store, so i guess not. try and get the darkest color possible. i dont know how it withstands the buff though.
oil based!! rusto has a good selection..... ps i made my first batch of pen ink 2day it was the first recipe in the ink thread sticky, followed it to the tee ....perfect
^^^ me tooo.its nice mine is dark blue im filling up my krink k71 with it, any idea on what to put in it to make it stain harder or bleed thorugh?
theres no rusto here thats why i always ask questions. so i use oil based woodstain and it wont fade?
[Broken External Image]:http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/9094/dsc03199qb9.jpg before [Broken External Image]:http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/1782/dsc03200py9.jpg after buffed with denatured alcohol [Broken External Image]:http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/6606/dsc03201sx7.jpg bleedthrough after 4 heavy coats of white. just this wierd ink mix i made the other day, it sticks above the surface, and is naptha AND ethanol based, i used this wierd shti to make it mix.