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Toy Stencils, Stickers, Posters

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by S2!, Feb 17, 2006.

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  1. aces

    aces Elite Member

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    Will it just easily come off when you're done?

    [Broken External Image]:
    Character that I made. Crits?

    Edit: The colors look like shit. He is light red with yellow in the spots that look orange and they are faded well but my camera sucks
  2. AceONE

    AceONE Senior Member

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    its a nice character but it would look better if u would use paint markers instead of sharpies
  3. aces

    aces Elite Member

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    Yea they're prismas but I need some paint markers. I don't have a shop that sells them so I can't rack them. I think I'm going to get some on E-bay. What brands are the highest quality?
  4. BoRe-719-

    BoRe-719- Elite Member

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    redo the charac onto a piece of paper (nice shit), scan it to your computer, touch it up, and print it noto some dhl labels....about 40
  5. aces

    aces Elite Member

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    I don't have a scanner. My school might though or maybe my parents work? Eh I'll see what I can do. Then how do you print it onto the dhl labels? They're the same size as UPS right? If so then how do you put them into the printer that small?

    Also is it a good charac? Like is it worth making a bunch of them.
  6. BoRe-719-

    BoRe-719- Elite Member

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    no, dhl labels and UPS (not usps) are the same size, 8 x 11, so fit perfectly into the printer.

    all you really have to do is adujust your page so the characs print directly onto the stickers. regular printer ink fades bad though, im starting to use my schools lazer jet and it fades a little slower. also dhl's arent really affected by rain, ive tested a few out recently.

    not sure if anyone remembers, but that robot teddy bear thing i made a while back, i mass produced that shit into like 50 dhl stickers, everyones asking about that shit irs awsome
  7. aces

    aces Elite Member

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    So you just put like 6 or so characs per page or one or two big ones and then cut them out?

    Also can I see that bear thing? I'm interested if you have any flicks.
  8. NOMX

    NOMX Elite Member

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  9. JAZI (FSB)

    JAZI (FSB) Member

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    where/ how do you make/get stencils??
  10. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    Fuck are you stupid?
  11. BoRe-719-

    BoRe-719- Elite Member

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    what/who the hell/ simpleass mutherfucker?

    as for pics......hold on a while
  12. minesweep

    minesweep Elite Member

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  13. ShIfTeD

    ShIfTeD Elite Member

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  14. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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  15. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    haha fo sho man, I am collecting hand styles, send me Hello my name is with hand styles on em , and usps ones, then what elese you got besides hand styles PM me. Oh and how about your other homies from your crew, I like that throwie K that you posted that was done on a 2000 edition usps label.

    Just to get some flicks in here.

    [Broken External Image]:
    chamelon pencil sketch, waiting to get some better pens for outline.

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    one eyed monster

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  16. ShIfTeD

    ShIfTeD Elite Member

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  17. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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  18. ShIfTeD

    ShIfTeD Elite Member

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    holy shit im in love with l3mon
  19. Mekr4

    Mekr4 Elite Member

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    View attachment 219719

    first slap, tell me what u think.

    just made a couple with pieces on em, ill get some pics real soon
  20. RepUrSet

    RepUrSet Senior Member

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