Ya y not? he was just whining to me about the money damages and everything he seemed pretty pissed and i didn't wana just book it incase he tried to chase me or something like that right after he biked away i saw him turn into his house go inside i tagged his car walked away heard him yelling and booked it if it doesent sound beleavable then dont beleave me man simple as that...
if i guy started yelling at me theres no way id stand there for 30 mins while he yelled at me id walk away
yeah imail things all the time. and by mail i mean tag, and by tag i mean make sweet sweet love to. and by things i mean people. and by make sweet sweet love to I mean rape. touche salesmean!
yawn, on a friday some time after midnight sitting at home playing games and piggen out with some homies... we havent used the spray can we got in the afternoon, so we went our school and fuken tagged the whole place up.. the end
this morning at like 5 i went to throw at a building with a backpack full of paint and i start to throw and this biker comes up and at first i was like uhhh what the hell do i do cause he dosent say anything then i looked at him weird and he says im not gunna do anything its cool lets see what ya got and he just sat down and watched better then the last experience when the guy chased me for eveeeeeerrrrr like 5 blocks
well this 1 time at band camp i tagged a bench and got chased by the head trumpet blower! HARDCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOME SERRIOUS SHITSPINS IN HERE
1 time my boy he grabbed my marker off me but that was cool and he hit up this garage that belongs to a big ass copany and i kept walking but not being a pussy he fin and we were walking dwon this hill were all this graf is and this dude who worked at that place came down ina car started to chase us and was doin like 360s in the middle of the road.and he caugght up wit us and was lik ouy u, u be tagging 123 on that fence and i was like fuk up and some homo tried to do po-po moves on myboy he fuk up and craked his jaw and pushed tha dude next to me we gapped it like mother fukas and then these 2 hotass bithches helped hide and we got head from them.......im not a good story teller but still....graff,head and blunt is a gooood fukin day amen to that!!!!!!!!!!!!
we had jus finished a piece and threw our cans out...were walkin with helium ballons talkin like mickey mouse, when 9 cops roll up. I keep holding onto the balloon so they couldnt say i put something on it and let it fly away (Which would have been a raw ass idea), but yeah, talkin to the cop like mickey was hilarious.