Wacko- answer to your question. i have limited experience with teknabond in comparrison to paste, cuzz i'm not a fan, but teknabond will last as long as need be so far as I'm aware. if it gets dry, re-add water.
those penguins and pandas look pretty slick, only thing bugging me is you can see lines where you coloured with the marker. all my wheatpastes are stencilled, keep meaning to make some big hand drawn ones with nice fat poscas or some other paint markers.
oh yeah..if you dont have alotta money, the best shit that will stick on dam near everything when wheat paste is added, is if u got any old ass phone books layin around that u dont need anymore..just tare some pages otta that and take a stencil and just use those to wheat paste...despite all the advertisment on the back, it gives a funky lookin texture..and i swear, wheat paste that bitch well enough?? IT'S GONNA STICK. Only way u can get it off, is to tear the bitch off..same material they use in newspaper
go to the where the newspaper is printed and ask them for an end roll. for some reason they dont use the last 20 or so metres of the rolls so they either give it away or make you pay a bit of money. i got me a nice big roll for a dollar. its a good metre or so wide and thin as fuck so it sticks damn well.
going to try to make some posters out of the teddy bear face i do. I posted in the stickers a few pages back but yea. Ima buy some technabond because i doubt i would make the paste correctly
Its what I get for overlapping some of the lines incidently but ohwell. The wheatpaste layer over the top kinda evens it out and the gloss clear coat takes that problem out too.. It's all good and thanks for the Props, All
I use wallpeaper undercoat paper. It's the thin stuff peopl use to make sure theyr real wallpaper is smooth. Nice and thin and free if you can fit it under your coat.
I tryed a new formula of mine the other day, but when i applied it, it stuck, but it made it fade REALLY bad. and that was like an hour after i had applied it. do u think i added to much water? or to little paste?
I just think your markers are shitty. Use deco colors or apply several layer of clearcoat. Mist the first two layers on to ensure the ink does not run. cheers
Agreed. That's gotta be the problem and the remedy. What do you use for clear coat Code? I use clear acrylic matte coating, but I was wondering how the wallyworld clearcoat worked cuzz it's so much cheaper... Ever try it?
it was the flour and water deal, and most of the ones i use, i draw with markers and all that, but these ones i had made posters off of the printer and shit. do u think cause its from the printer it wasnt as good? cause the only markers i got are markswell and paint sharpies. my local hobby store has prismacolor, are those any good? let me know
and were can i find clearcoat? i get all my shit online since im still a minor and all the stores and my area strictly enforce the whole minor=no spray deal. but yeah. im not to expeirenced with wheat pasting, but i usually just order sheets of sticker computer paper and i just print up posters and draw designs, its alot easier then wheat pasting but i want something to keep it there longer and all that, so yeah
Agreed. That's gotta be the problem and the remedy. What do you use for clear coat Code? I use clear acrylic matte coating, but I was wondering how the wallyworld clearcoat worked cuzz it's so much cheaper... Ever try it? [/b][/quote] In all honesty, I am scared to try it because if I am even doing a small panda, I use atleast one deco color black and spend about 40 mins on average from start to finish.. I'll buy a can and test it out after I pick up some more markers cause right now, I aint got shot for supplies. I use a Krylon Crystal clear gloss coat. Best there is, IMO
You are better off just using Deco colors and like I said, if you want to be lazy and still print it off, then do the clear coat deal Your best bet as of now seems to be to get your parent, or gaurdian figure to pick you up a can from Wal mart. Be sure to get Krylon clear coat in whatever finish you want. Matte, Flat, or gloss. Mist the first two layers or so and them spray the third layer directly on. Do this to both sides, front and back.
Oh and one more thing... c3zr still schools any shit we have to offer in here Boo hoo, My sincerest apologies, Casa 45.