just do like skeam said on page 4_get on microsoft...make you label. but instead of putting hello my name is you can do the OHELL my name is. or like put ur name at top like in my case i could do !RUSHONER! and do your tag or what ever in the blank. then you have strait letters on it to.and they are perfect. get creative
thats just cuz u foos suck at takin shit and get caught. Americans are slick, the stores dont even notice shit missing in order to giv out those stats
i copd mine at a dollar store not like a good one like dollar tree were they get good shit u have 2 go 2 one of the bootleg indian ones
honestly think of what you said. Ever think of common sense, or not being a complete retard? Just go to walmart or staples or your dollar store or somthing just... go get your stickers
chill dude, ive been to all sorts of places and havent found em... so calm down, the mans just asking a question
u can get the `hello my name is` stickers for free..just order them from the post office.. i dont know about here in mtl..but i know when im in the states i order packs of 500 at a time and there free
You guys are all idiots if you think you have to rack stickers, though its not a bad idea if you dont have a comp. But all you seriously need to do is order fivehundred. And theyre all free too! LoL, They have links for that shit all over the internet. Use your dome piece!!!!!
^^ What he said lol. Go to shop.usps.com and search for priority mail label #228. You get 500 for free. No shipping or costs for the stickers. All you have to do is sigunp then order. They get there within 7-10 days.
they dont ship all over the world, and seeing as this is the world wide web u shundnt assume everyones in the same situation as urself
http://shop.usps.com/webapp/wcs/sto...01&categoryId=13357&productId=11655&langId=-1 Are those the giant gold envelope sized ones? They look identical but on there, it says 5.375 x 2. The ones I'm talking about are AT LEAST 8 by 11.