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would like some feedback!!!!

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by DOBO, Nov 17, 2019.

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  1. DOBO

    DOBO New Member

    • Messages: 3
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    Hey I'm DOBO TBS. I haven't been doing graffiti for too too long. Started maybe 2 or 3 ago on and off, but back then it was a lil atrocious. These are more recent pics and so I'd like some feedback so I can improve as a writer. (I mostly prefer doing tags and throw ups) Maybe the day I do a burner or something i'll ascend but nahhh.





  2. Supra475

    Supra475 Member

    • Messages: 38
    • Likes Received: 25
    Maybe work a little on can control and making sure ur letters in the throwies have the same weight and are on the same base line, other then that it’s pretty good