I really dig your Style Bugs! You have a great way of producing flow in what seems like an effortless way.Like it comes natural to you.Thanks yo!
@Pdubbz your name was hard to do haha crits welcome! Also ignore the smudges... new markers + left handed = shitshow
not bad)) but that 'z' looks kinda like '2' and 'u' is hidden too much.. but that's just my opinion.. btw..those smudges - put a blank sheet of paper under your hand while drawing.. it should help you to keep the sketch clean
Haha thanks for the tip and crits @Elik ! Appreciate it @MINE2 : C.H.A.P.S. CRU yeah man haha the B's are brutal.. let's keep this going though!
yeah I also tried it but messed up the whole stuff with those double b's..so I rather posted only the 'Rule' sketch)) ... @nomadic.carpenter let's see if I can sketch your name without ruining it haha