..it's just I still can't figure out how to add more wildstyle flava to letters without ruining the flow of the word..any tips, advices..? haha thanks)) hmm speaking of donuts, it's been a long time since I've had some
@Tuke finally got round to doing yours! No epic donut haha but tried to add more bits to letters.. Crits welcome! I have the same problem with extensions and making the letters a little more wild.. I like your double outlines though, not sure how to take my letters to the next step
Man you can't fix what ain't broken. That double outline style is crazy on it's own, no need to mess with it. It's unique and suits you very well
dope sketches)) ..Mine2 - the 'L' with that arrow on the bottom is sick I like it; and Flow845 - cool 3D and fills ..here's a sketch for you btw