Why do people try 2 say if u cant do 3-d letters then your a toy, i got my own style of it but shit... LAST POST WAS MARCH 28 2005 HOLY FUCKIN SHIT!!!!
how often do you guys paint legal walls are there like no legal walls where you live? where i live there are legals walls everywhere and no body bothers doing illegial pieces around here unless its trains or tracksides but gotta drive for like 30mins to get to them. 3d style isnt hard but you just gotta know where to put everything. and dont do the one colour first thent he next. do like each letter or shape first. just practise. 3d style isnt the best in the world.
that is so true..... most good graffiti writers are also really good at art. and they are great in graffiti because they have a basic knowledge of art and know how all the art elements correspond with eachother... most of the people in here have absolutely NO fucking art skills......thats why they are never going to get no where in graffiti.....and thats the truth....... [/b][/quote] holy fuck.. i sounded smart back then. i never use them words anymore... i think im gettin stupider
first of all there are so many peaple in the world to be original so u cant hate if some looks like some one else
holy fuck.. i sounded smart back then. i never use them words anymore... i think im gettin stupider [/b][/quote] :lol: that shit was like three years old... :lol: thats a long fuckin time
Yeah but in this case he is purposely trying to be like him. if it was accidental like your implying then it wouldn't a major problem. toy