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A toy story-

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by kongo, Feb 11, 2015.

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  1. kongo

    kongo Elite Member

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    Its been a lonnng (9yrs) time since i had my hands on some cans. Keep dreaming of doing throws on walls that love to be painted, so its gotta be done

    Does anyone know if HQ in Brixton still runs? or what websites you ordr from? (UK sites)

    it used to be all about belton, molotow and montana gold was the shit!!! what im looking at now, everything is changed, i dont wana spend any doe on some shit that takes 20 mins to dry blah blah is it still al belton or what about these new brands all over the shop?
  2. Mr.Late

    Mr.Late Senior Member

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  3. dangeri

    dangeri Elite Member

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    Not really had a problem with any of the 'budget' brands of paint(If they are considered that). But Kobra is slowly becoming more and more of a favorite of mine. Coverage is Shit hot, especially the white.

    Only place i know in London for paint is chrome and black. Few just outside too, but thay shold have everything you need.