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Abandoned Things and Urban Exploration

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dcite, Mar 16, 2006.

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  1. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    Cedarcrest Mental Institution

    aparently it was used as a TB center when there was that large outbreak back in the day, but it was also operational at the brink of mental health treatment, so all kinds of fucked up things went down here, like shock therapy.

    we heard voices, walking, this strange buzzing/rumbling sound that grew louder at times(this is what bothered me, cause if it were a generator or something, we'd hear it outside, but we didnt, and the place has been closed for at least 40 years, so why would there be a generator kicking on, theres no utilities running there anymore either. also related to this, while we were in there, as you can see theres a shit load of intact plumbing, we hjeard the water kick on, like someone turned on a faucet, and there was also a constant dripping noise throughout the building that couls be heard just as clear no matter where you were.)

    we're definately going back soon, and im bringing the 35mm to shoot some film shots
  2. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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    shit shit shit, scary man.....
    shock therapy...?
    sounds bad.
    god i;d be sooo scared to be in that place...
  3. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    i think we saw something that wasent actually there too.

    this is a popular spot for adventure seeking kids like myself to go, so newington police def know and keep an eye on it, and when we were in that room with the pillars, we saw a car drive by from the window(we were technically in the basement, so the windows at the top of the room were ground level) so we got mad spooked by it and boucned mad fast, but the thing is, if it was a cop, he would have def seen my camera flashes, and would have been parked waiting for us, but he wasent, and when we looked all around the building aster getting out and through the fence, we didnt see anyone, like, none of the cars that were in the actual functional mental hospital lot were gone and there wernt any new cars there. it was definately a car that went by, it had headlights and a rear light that we could see. fucked up shit man, real fucked

    we're gonna go back and check the upper floors though, aparently theres a room with handprints in it. prolly handywork of some kids, but it'll make for some ill flicks
  4. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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    no shit, tell me more on msn, ive added ya
  5. Dust1610

    Dust1610 Senior Member

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    Think I saw this place on some sort of ghosthunters programme on Living TV sometime last year. A bunch of female amateur ghosthunters went in there for the night and got scared shitless. Has it got a morgue with old fridges in? If it has a gurney rolled out of a fridge on its own, well actually not so much rolled as slammed. Spooky as fuck! I think there was also talk of some weird back entrance that hearses used.
  6. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    mabey, i dunno

    i doubt any investigators would get permission to go in, seeing as why it closed(just look at the walls and take a guess)

    BIG DEAL New Member

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  8. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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    nice , considering the small place to piece. lol
  9. Fate

    Fate Elite Member

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  10. +HyBriD+

    +HyBriD+ Senior Member

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    that pool looks freaky
  11. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    Some hott ass shit here.
  12. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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    dark, dingy place thess are....
    nastey scary shit...
  13. Soulful

    Soulful Member

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    So I have 2 different abandoned things. The first is a house me and my bro went into. Strange thing about this place was.. I went back the next weekend to put up some stuff of my own and the place was burnt down. Here is what I found in it though.

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  14. obseen

    obseen Elite Member

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    thats alot of bad graffiti
    on the last page that pool is scary but the house next to the river looks cool
  15. Soulful

    Soulful Member

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    Now this one is a paper mill that closed down.. Really hurt the town.

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  16. Soulful

    Soulful Member

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  17. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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    what is tht place?...
  18. ECGA

    ECGA Senior Member

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    theres an abandoned building near my house....full of graff....none is really good, but a chill spot you got as much time as you need....good practice...but anyways, its an old diaper building (no there arent smelly old shitty diapers all over) , from before they had disposable diapers, so you know its old already, and its been abandoned for 40 years. but still a couple weeks ago we went into another room cus the walls were pretty blank, and we flicked the switch on, and poof . on comes the lights. there must've been a generator, cus i doubt the electric company would forget to shut off an abandoned building's power after 40 years. so anyways my point is there might be a generator there dude, cus we never heard the generator ever...even when its on you cant hear it.
  19. obseen

    obseen Elite Member

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    there used to be an abandoned building near my house before it got knocked down
    it was this factory that used to make chemicals, it was fun in there it had tons of floors and i nearly fell down the elevator shaft, haha
  20. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    Fuck you guys are lucky, And you could be bombing these places too. The only place I ever been in was a construction site of a condo that we played in untill a fucking 6'5 Rastafari Jamacian homeless bum chased us out for 4 blocks. I threw a fire estingusher at him too, haha.