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Abandoned Things and Urban Exploration

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dcite, Mar 16, 2006.

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  1. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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    hahaha, ye. i aint got shit...
  2. obseen

    obseen Elite Member

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    magic, we are bombing these places
    as if we wouldnt

    POSTMANSLUT5000 Senior Member

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    you should try and get flicks of the cars driving and parked and whatever my negro
  4. dcite

    dcite Elite Member

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    yo nice stufff lately everybody. this is a great thread.
    e-terror that place seems sick man, sounds crazy.
    every time i've been in my local abandoned mental hospital i've never once seen something even slightly out of the ordinary. kind of a let down really. (ive posted plenty of pictures before). but yea about 2 weeks ago we were there and came wayy to close to "being taken to the fourth presinct in cuffs" so we are kind of laying low with that place right now, haha. the cops get real mad about people going there now because it has become such a popular place for kids to go get into shit.
    keep it cool.
  5. NOMX

    NOMX Elite Member

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    ill try 2 get some photos up later
  6. scape-one

    scape-one Senior Member

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    i live near this old abandoned cinderblock/cement factory, the inside is really creepy its like some shit outta saw 2, but the outside is dope for peices and murals, its basically my cres hangout,we bomb the fuck outta it, ill get some flicks up soon
  7. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    peep the bat above the door
  8. ---CRoR---

    ---CRoR--- Elite Member

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    come back wit a pic of that place e terror wit a piece or bomb on the wall on the right... looks like a nice wall to hit
  9. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    nah, im not down with disrespecting a place where lots of bad energy resides.

    im leaving it clean, as should anyone else who goes there
  10. ShIfTeD

    ShIfTeD Elite Member

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    ahhhh shit, thers this train thats just sitting in the middle of the forrest by me
    its hilarious, there isnt a fucking yard or track in sight for atliest 20 miles..its all rusted out and shit...and thers animals living in it....and its sooo random

    wendsday im bombing the fucking thing!
  11. morningglory

    morningglory Elite Member

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    id bomb that place havik... and sleep in there for fun haha
  12. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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    hahahahahah, sounds like a plan.... ^_^
  13. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    but another thing about painting there, is the reason it closed down.


    theres seriously 2 foot high piles in places of straight up lead paint dust. and aerosols tend to kick up alot of that shit.

    so it would be like huffing lead paint, nah meen

    i bet you'd get ripped off fumes though
  14. Ray of Today

    Ray of Today Elite Member

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    is that down in the southern part of the state?
  15. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    its in newington, so no
  16. dcite

    dcite Elite Member

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    yea man same here, thats why they arent tearing most of these places down. it would cost like millions of dollars to properly dispose of all the asbestos and other shit that those people used when they built the places. and there's usually tons of tunnels around those places for heating maintnence and etc, so they'd have to dig alot of that up also.

    but yeah, i've never painted anything at a mental hospital, i think its pretty lame to see all those idiots paint stupid shit on the walls and i dont even want to take a chance at doing something that could be considered 'stupid shit' so im avoiding it. also like you said e-terror, theres a lot of crazy energy revolving around those places, people died in them and everything. most of them are pretty beautiful, one would feel bad painting all over it..

    [Broken External Image]:
    know what i mean? check out that paint, haha.
  17. TAM

    TAM Member

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    That's a chill ass room!
  18. E-Terror

    E-Terror Elite Member

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    i just think painting in a place like that is disrespectful and it makes shit look bad.
  19. Ray of Today

    Ray of Today Elite Member

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    yeah, I'd hate to destroy the ambience they got going on there what with the paint chips and mold and all. Fuck it, paint the shit out of it and wear a mask. You're already walking around in there without protection kicking up dust anyways. There's mad crazy energy there but who knows, maybe what you do will brighten up some dead guy's day.
  20. NOMX

    NOMX Elite Member

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    [Broken External Image]:
    hopefully i will be able to get a better pic, this really doesnt give u an idea of what the place is at all. the pic is bad becuase my friend bumped into me right be4 i took the pic and i droped the camera like 15 feet down, then i found it in perfect condition :D represent!

    since im bored i'll give u the story of this place. the guy who invented or helped invent the seat belt was mad rich off it and then bought this gigantic house and all these lava rocks imported from hawaii, some people say its bad luck to move a lava rock and not put it back in its place. but he ran out of money be4 the house was even finished. so there are all these caverns and little cuts and shit.