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Abandoned Things and Urban Exploration

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dcite, Mar 16, 2006.

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  1. Tode

    Tode Elite Member

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    is any one here into Urban exploration? if so start posting sum fliks up! :ph34r: ill post up sum flix i just have to find my usb cord for camera
  2. koper

    koper Banned

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  3. obseen

    obseen Elite Member

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    whats that all about?
  4. koper

    koper Banned

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    it's the whole idea of going places where people dont usually go.
  5. Tode

    Tode Elite Member

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  6. Tode

    Tode Elite Member

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    exactly ie abandon industries ,houses,plants its dangerous at sum points u have to be carefull you dont get hurt but in the end its very pleasing and it brings back great memories and ya sumtimes you have to deal with sum grousum shit depending onthe area {decaying bum bodies} sumtime and other sorta of dead things
  7. yakrian

    yakrian Senior Member

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    Entrance to some Subway Tunnels. I'll see if I can find more of my older stuff.
  8. morningglory

    morningglory Elite Member

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    ahhh that subway entrance is the shitttt!!!!

    if i had a decent camera id take flicks of the odd places ive been.
  9. FaultO

    FaultO Elite Member

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    this reminds me of the abandoned things thread.

    good picks though.
  10. Slaze

    Slaze Senior Member

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    those detroit pics are hot, ive been around there.

    give me a week i will get some some pics from ann arbor
  11. yakrian

    yakrian Senior Member

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    Found some more flicks from the subway tunnels.



    Track Running is great...albeit a tad nerve-wracking.

    Hope you enjoyed it...Sorry for double-posting.
  12. Tode

    Tode Elite Member

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    woot i can see alot of people here are into urbex good shiiit ill see what i can find on my pc i canot find my dam usb to get the pics off my cam 8(
  13. obseen

    obseen Elite Member

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    sounds pretty cool
    as graffiti artists i think all of us do that though
    maybe i'll get some flix of where i got and post em up someday
  14. yakrian

    yakrian Senior Member

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    I just found these. Taken by my friend Mike at the San Francisco Naval Shipyard, Hunters Point.


    OOPS! I never do anything the legal way...


    Some Decent Graff.


  15. What Happened to the Letters?

    What Happened to the Letters? Elite Member

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    thers a thread on this made by vegi in the pictures thread, called lie kabandoned stuff, or somethign liek that
  16. Quadratic

    Quadratic Senior Member

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    View attachment 214484

    abandoned waterpark

    ive got more flix but not sure if it applies to this thread since its all covered in graf
    but i will post them if people want
  17. koper

    koper Banned

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    There's some differences, this thread is more about the act of urban exploration, the abandoned things thread is more for random photos of abandoned stuff.
    Some people are really into this kind of thing, they document it all and share it with others who are involved in the scene. Similar to graf in that regard i guess.
    I've always thought it would be great to be one of these guys and a writer aswell. I'm sure you'd find some great spots. Calgary has a decent documentation of their stuff avaliable online and they go to places and get snaps of graf that i bet no one other than the artist themselves knew about.

    anyway, the thread lives.
  18. koper

    koper Banned

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    This thread really reminds me of the Parkour Thread

    Imagine having mastered the arts of writing, parkour, and urban exploration. You'd be unstoppable.
  19. Quadratic

    Quadratic Senior Member

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  20. yakrian

    yakrian Senior Member

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    Funny you should mention that Koper. I practice Parkour as a method to relieve stress, get around without my car, and help my urban exploits. When I'm on Urb-Ex "missions", we (AKER, AMPLE, STAY, myself and a few other non-writers) bring paint and shit with us. Most of our stuff is done around the Edmonton area. Maybe my next trip to Cow-town we could hook up and I'll show you some shit.