im pretty clueless on the use of ethch (how it works) (what do i put it in , flowpen or mop) (how eazsy id it to getrid of)
Etch is an acid that eats away at glass, making the surface cloudy, and comes in bath and cream form. Etch cream is the consistancy of pudding, is easy to work with, and won't hurt you if you get it on your skin temporarily as long as you wipe it off right away. Etch bath is a liquid and is dangerous because it is a strong acid. it can fck up your flesh if you get it on yourself. Being a novice, you're about to get a whole bunch of people telling you not to mess with etch. Etch cream can be found at hobby stores. Etch bath, or the equivilent acids, take more knowledge to find and use safely, so don't bother until you do your homework. Not only is etch dangerous to you if you use it, it is also dangerous to the public and if you get caught using it, you could land some serious charges if anyone touches it and gets burned. Chemical etch is different than the act of physically etching with a metal drill bit or a piece of stone, such as lavarock. That's a basic run down. I will update this post with more information when I can. Yes this question is repetitive, and you're a dumbass for not searching for the answer instead of making a new thread, but I feel it's better to actually provide good info right away instead of flaming you and telling you you're too toy to handle etch. It's just what everyone else is going to do.
I dont really know that much about etch either. Cant get my hand on it where im at. My tip is not to use etch above your head because when it drips and hits ur eye, your blind.
I don't like etching.. kinda kills the art part of graff and narrows it to just fucking shit up to where it's irreversable
I've yet to see an etch tag that looked nice that couldn't be achieved with a scribe. I don't like etch very much.
etch is fucking lame, if you get busted with it youre fucked, if it touches your skin youre fucked, if it gets in your eyes youre fucked. and guess what, it can and will most likely get buffed. dont use etch, it wont make you any cooler.
^^ fuck you! vone, Rone?? na just kidding.. OR AM I??? i have some etch that i found in a old cuppord. i used it on a spare piece of glass and it turned almost like a grayish white. i find it to volitile for my uses
did u really have to post right now? really? now my message looks fucked up! whatever.. and how the fuck can etch get fucking buffed?? enlighten me.
wait im confused, what is etch bc i was thinking like engraving with a exacto knife or rock or something.
Theres liquid etch witch is what the people on here are talking about and there is etching glass with rocks/exacto's and other sharp objects. Etch is also a great way to heat out your name. Some people can make etch look good but its something you shouldent mess with.
You can get beautiful results with etch but only with vinyl stickers (or something of the like) cut into stencils. You apply the sticker smoothly, then the etching cream and wait a little bit, then remove the stickers, leaving a perfectly etched design instead of a mess. Since waiting at an acid covered window is heat, I would advise running this play with at least three crew members. The first person applies the sticker stencil, the second applies the etch, and the third follows behind and removes the stencils. This way the same person is not seen returning each time. I hope this helps you out. Stay away from paper stickers because they probably won't withstand the acid, plastic will, since the cream came in a plastic bottle to begin with.