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baby kids meal type BEEF

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Flair Heads, Apr 9, 2006.

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  1. FWBMeth

    FWBMeth Senior Member

    • Messages: 338
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    sorry i havent aten breakfast yet lol, i ran out of fuckin cocoa puffs
  2. clockworkfuse

    clockworkfuse Elite Member

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    SHIT! cocoa puffs rule.. but I'm more of a resse puff kinda guy.
  3. FWBMeth

    FWBMeth Senior Member

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    yeh, i got count chocula in my basment tied up, his cereal cut the roof of my mouth
  4. clockworkfuse

    clockworkfuse Elite Member

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    FUCK CAPTAIN CRUNCH...that shit cuts your mouth. That bitch should eat those razor blades he calls cereal.
  5. FWBMeth

    FWBMeth Senior Member

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    shit that reminded me of the simpsons episode where bart chokes on the razor O in the box of cereal
  6. uhhh

    uhhh Elite Member

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    thats suprising. some said someone said something gay and the person didn't wig out and start calling everyone on bombing science toys :eek:
  7. clockworkfuse

    clockworkfuse Elite Member

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  8. Cazo1

    Cazo1 Senior Member

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    the apocolypse is here :lol:
  9. clockworkfuse

    clockworkfuse Elite Member

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    Nah, if that was real, it would have happened on the 6th of june:O. well, it SHOULD have....
  10. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    what the fuck is the word? and make it due tue. just incase but ill have it done before prob. [/b][/quote]
  11. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

    • Messages: 3,112
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    ATTENTION BATTLERS- I'm afraid all toy battles are being put on hold for negotiation. There is dissagreement between mods as to weather or not toys should be aloud 1 on 1 battles again. Some are for it, some against. Untill all sides have come to an agreement, I won't be able to poll them. I'm sorry about this, but for now, it's out of my hands. Questions or comments, feel free to pm me or post them in toy story or here, and I'll reply when I'm able. :(
  12. clockworkfuse

    clockworkfuse Elite Member

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    Toys can still battle as they please. there just wont be a poll.
  13. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    Um, this is gay. Whats the reason against this? Let the toys have their fun.
  14. BoRe-719-

    BoRe-719- Elite Member

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    shut up, dont question the effing 100% sure every one of em is smarter than you anyways
  15. alive

    alive Banned

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    woah i just saw this. and i was so thrilled that they were coming back! fight for us cezr. its ok for them to be censored for decency, but they need to stay. best part of the fucking forum.

    damn right clockwork tho, cant stop us.

    and bore, if they deserved to be questioned, question them. u sound like the little bitchy teachers pets in my classes. "dont argue with the teacher!" w/e the fuck s/he says is fucking gospel. well what if the teachers wrong? hmmmmmm? we'll say w/e the fuck we want, do whatever the fuck we want. i cant understand your attitude, especially on a fucking graffiti forum.


    ps. thanks for everything cezr
  16. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    Cezr leads the toy revolution! Viva la cezr!
  17. alive

    alive Banned

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  18. WolfBurrns

    WolfBurrns Senior Member

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    I think its bullshit too. Just because our shit aint king material doesnt mean we cant have the same kind of competition amongst eachother like the ''non-toys''. Im not saying we let people who draw stick figures get polls but serious "toys" who want to progress and get better. I think the competition would motivate people to do better work and try harder.
  19. C3ZR ONE

    C3ZR ONE Moderator

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    I see your points and I'll make note of it to them in the mod forum, but You should know there points as well so you aren't confused behind the reasoning. Also If you know there concerns, maybe you can come up with a satisfying solution. Capo says we should have equal rights to competition as non toys, but go look in battle forums... The big boys almost never have 1 on 1 battles, nor do they have a beef thread, in fact, I know people are banned on the daily for beefing in the big boy thread, (other than general discussion). The non toys have had 1, maybe 2, 1on 1 battles in the last couple months? We're organising them daily. That's an unequal ratio. Next point is, it will clog up the newest 5 threads list. If theres a way to set up battles without them going on that list, there might be a better chance of keeping battles.
    Next point- Non toys work hard for the organized battles all week, busting there asses to make the best of the best sketch. One that will rep them, that will win, that they can be proud of without flaw. We on the other hand are running around jumping into every battle we can get into, half of which don't get followed thru with, the other half aren't given enough attention cuzz we got 3 more sketches to do. The battle forum was revamped for a reason guys. The times that we remember as "good times" where we could poll our own shit and throw any little battle we wanted are the times that the older heads remember as the "bad times" when we started losing some truly gifted writers because of all the crap they saw in battle forum. They thought the site was going entirely to the toys. If we're gonna be able to continue to have battles, we're going to have to start taking them more seriously, as the non toys do, and the toys entering the weekly toy battles hosted in battle forum. One of the mods, who is also one of the best writers on this forum, and has spent alot of time in the past helping toys said it like this- "If toys want an ego boost, they'll need to work for it, by entering the weekly organized battles."
    Now you know what you're up against. If you love these battles, and want to keep them, then brainstorm instead of getting pissed. You know there arguments. Develope one of your own and I will present it. I see my job as mod a 50/50.
    50% keeping order in the forum I'm assigned.
    50% serving those in the forum that I'm assigned.
    That's about all I can say on this. Good luck guys. ;)

    ***Last note- One thing that does not fly on here in any forum for any reason is saying "fuck them" to any of the mods on here whether you agree with them or not. They aren't out to fuck you over, they're just trying to make this forum quality and believe me, there's alot of work put into that. If you dissagree with them, be diplomatic about it or they wont even listen. It has long been a rule that beefing with a mod gets your account suspended. That's why I'm editing certain posts on this page. I'm not being a fascist nazi, but I'll assume the remark wasn't worth being banned over. Just think of a more intelligent way to make your case. ;)

    Well that was a fuckin marathon of a post. Peace out little crackers. :lol:
  20. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    Word he got his points, ditch the toy polls then I guess but we can have out battles unpolled and just discuss them in the beef thread. If not just participate in the weekly battles with more effort.