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Bags You Carry Your Gear In

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Wise One, Mar 9, 2006.

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  1. Atom615

    Atom615 Member

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    If you dont want to use your school bag maybe buy a cheap one? Get one of those sling backpacks there small and stretch to fit your paint in there .
  2. R3bel1995

    R3bel1995 Senior Member

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    I found that taking empty pringles cans and putting cans in them works. Each pringles container can hold one 400mL can of spray pint. So if you get a few pringles cans all you need to do is put the paint in the empty ca s and then put all the "pringles" in a shopping bag, and it lookalike your just coming from the store to a huge party...
  3. millie

    millie Senior Member

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    lap top case! jacket with holes in it!
  4. zachatnca

    zachatnca Senior Member

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    whenever im going midday or even just going out at night to get a few tags i just carry the markers in a normal plastic shopping bag, there easy to get and it dosent look suspicious at all. just make sure there not seethrough and if it gets paint on it make sure to get another one. when im going bombing i bought one of these very basic jansport bags only two pockets but it fits everything i need very good and i dont have to worry about destroying it.
  5. Riski

    Riski New Member

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    Dafuq ??? Can U gimme a link To one o' doze backpaks...
  6. Riski

    Riski New Member

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    Well Im not sure about some states but if you worried about cops searching you , all you gotta say is " I do not Consent to Searches " and They cant Legally Search you... This works for anything... Yourself, Vehicles , ect.... Unless u have a warrent on you.. but thats self explanitory..
  7. Z3BRA

    Z3BRA Elite Member

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    Last edited: Apr 17, 2017
  8. PIECE

    PIECE Senior Member

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    Don't forget if they have probable cause they can hold you until they get a warrant.

    I have an awesome old laptop backpack with one broken strap I use. Front pocket is all stickers. Middle two pockets is all markers, and the laptop compartment is just wide and tall enough to hold 6 cans.
  9. 0nly10fmikind

    0nly10fmikind Senior Member

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    Thats a good way to piss a cop off. Expect them to be watching you closely after doing that.
  10. shopping bags, backpacks, jacket pockets, trackpants pockets, hands

    all these work at some point in time but yeah defs a shopping bag any aussie on here will know the good ol coles green bags
  11. AZTEKA

    AZTEKA Senior Member

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    if your smart you'll use this to not look so sketchy.
  12. Walleeto

    Walleeto Senior Member

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    if you wanna carry a backpack, just get a jansport one, or if not, carry the cans on a normal plastic bag or some fast food bag
  13. badder boy

    badder boy Senior Member

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    all i need, with handy aerosol spray paint can/ refreshment holder!!

  14. Walleeto

    Walleeto Senior Member

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    1 thing i thought about to carry your things in, is a laptop bag... not those where you can just put in your laptop, no, you need those like has a lot of pockets... you could put in caps, cans, markers, stickers, etc... i just thought of it when some days ago i took my laptop out of my laptop bag and thought, this thing is great to carry graff supplies


    mines black, it has a big pocket on the back and a little pocket on the front where i can put stickers, then inside, where the laptop goes, i can put cans, and theres also like a net pocket so i can put caps
  15. MrTrane18(NOCK)

    MrTrane18(NOCK) Member

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    Ur stupid or what?
    Its usefull that we share bad designes!
  16. badder boy

    badder boy Senior Member

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    have fun getting robbed then beaten up when they only find paint
  17. droves

    droves New Member

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    Black plastic bodega bags or reusable grocery totes.
  18. droves

    droves New Member

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    Nothing makes you look less suspicious than a reusable grocery tote.
  19. Lekur

    Lekur New Member

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    thats fucking smart
  20. Arose.One

    Arose.One Elite Member

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    boxers. sometimes commando, so denim.