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Balls Or Style

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fence hopper, Mar 24, 2005.

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  1. illin

    illin Senior Member

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    balls first then style in your latter years.

    people give you props for hitting a sick spot whether you're good or not. then when you got style you can take your time in the chill spots. then when you're a king you can go all out.
  2. EsKoNeR!!

    EsKoNeR!! Elite Member

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    style is the most important. i mean, yeah, if you get a heaven spot, respect to you, but i will forget your name minutes after i see it, but if you get a mellow spot but its a nice style, i will remember and keep an eye out for more
  3. Jason Voorhies

    Jason Voorhies Senior Member

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    for real, just becasue you can paint shitty, sloppy fills on a dope spot doesnt make you good at graff. anyone with legs can figure out how to get to the heven spot, but not just anyone can paint something dope.

    JEDI-MASTER Elite Member

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    yo, read my fukin posts all da way,balls got my vote nd its essentially the same fukin thing ya ass bomin requires more balls, aka the quainty quality is da pieces wif style u really dont comprehend shit
  5. Sumoe

    Sumoe Elite Member

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    I'm a piece man myself but...

    I give mad respect to hardcore bombers...hangin' off bridges and shit, the repetitiveness of it, everything need to have some style cause if it's mad ugly but everywhere it's retarded.
  6. Caikerrr one niinee..

    Caikerrr one niinee.. Senior Member

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    yo, read my fukin posts all da way,balls got my vote nd its essentially the same fukin thing ya ass bomin requires more balls, aka the quainty quality is da pieces wif style u really dont comprehend shit [/b][/quote]
    whoa whoa whoa. chhiiiil mr "i had a shit day at school so now ima start unnecessary hostility on the internet." i read your post all the way, it was the start that made me think i should say it. i wasn't even talkin specifically to you. the amount of people that said "yEh bOtH Is TeH kEwLs!1" is ridiculous. it may be true, but the thread is Balls or Style, not balls, style or defeat my threads point n say both... so the start of your post prompted me to say somethin before we get 4 more pages of people bein indecisive cunts.

    chill winston. we got no hostility here ;)

    JEDI-MASTER Elite Member

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    iigh iight, i c wat ur saying, but the way u was talkin sounded u wanted to beef wif me,especially wif da roll ur eyes shit,bu iguess we kool
  8. paris_brew

    paris_brew Member

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    To get you shit up you need balls, but i give more props to something with style rather than some thing in a risky spot, because it won't last as long as a good style.
  9. MYND1

    MYND1 Senior Member

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    i relly like style but wenever i see like a highway hit or a bait spot even if it dont loook good i always got respaects for balls , ALWAYS
  10. BIGel

    BIGel Elite Member

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    even if its dogshit? heat spots are nothing without style. a shitty style in a prime spot is still a shitty style, it just means that more people have to see that crap. style wins hands down every time.
  11. mentalholocaust

    mentalholocaust New Member

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    styles always first but a highways spot or in crazy spots are always dope. kind of like skill and coverage. they may be in everywhere but if they rent tight then its whatever
  12. sacwacko

    sacwacko Elite Member

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    yea....if u have a nice piece or some nice bombs and thend down the street u have a crappy but high ass spot on a biillboard or somethin its ight....

    kinda just depends on ur reputation.
  13. nerse

    nerse Member

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    Theres an old saying about writers who just suck balls but do heavy spots and bomb all the time...
    To much attitude, not enough aptitude!
  14. SlamOne

    SlamOne Member

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    I would have to say more props to the guys with balls. i mean, i love great style, it looks awesome. but i would rather see some guy jump on a bus in the middle of the high way and bomb his name along with "FUCK THE PIGS" on the back while the woman behind him in her car is shitting her pants then see a guy whippin some sweet style on a wall in the alley.... i wanna jump on a bus so bad, but im not doin that shit for a while... PROPS TO MEN WITH BALLS!
  15. Hask420

    Hask420 Senior Member

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    more props to a sick ass piece than a shit piece in a hella nice spot
  16. Slushi

    Slushi Banned

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    both matter equally.
  17. skateparadise

    skateparadise Elite Member

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    style. cause it looks sick as fuck. and balls cause you're like damn thats fuckin crazy way the fuck up there...
  18. Flash_One

    Flash_One Elite Member

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  19. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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    "balls" aint shit without style
  20. .Above.

    .Above. Member

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    both...estilo and bolas.