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Best Getaways - Chase Stories

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by -->MaNiK1<--, Oct 17, 2004.

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  1. step one

    step one Senior Member

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    Yo retard...E isn't very good for sex, you will mad overheat...E makes everything feel good when you get touched...its a euphoric sensation not, you herb
  2. MacDreRIP11104

    MacDreRIP11104 Senior Member

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    wtf?? did i say it was?? you act like ive never touched it before
  3. anarchy

    anarchy Elite Member

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    you're in the 610?
  4. umop 3pisdn

    umop 3pisdn Senior Member

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    i think he means a road...
  5. syrup2

    syrup2 Elite Member

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    I was getting some rollers done in this kind of industrial area and a 2 cop squad car pulled thorugh both of the cops told me to come down from the building and they would use force so i thought for a second and was like i come down i go to jail if i jump to the other building and try to run i could get away but i also could kill myself so i jumped to the next building wasne that much of a jump maybe 4 feet but i got hella far away and took the bus back home ....then i drank mountin dew cuz its hella cutty lol
  6. gnarlatron3030

    gnarlatron3030 Elite Member

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    mountain dew issss pretty bomb.
    good job man
  7. syrup2

    syrup2 Elite Member

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    know how i do if it isint green and filled with suger and and caffine then i aint want it yaddidmean
  8. Cego3

    Cego3 Member

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    one time me, my bro, and our friend were painting this bridge that everyone in our city has hit so were just painting and taking our time when a cop rolls up and starts talking to our friend while me and my bro book it after about 20 feet i realized i forgot the paint so i did one of those baseball slides grabbing at the cans and caps threw it in a backpack then ran acrossed a 1/2 finished bridge and a couple miles ( been smoking 7 years ) to this place were they store those Big cement things that go under the ground ( sewer things i think ) and were lying down so cops cant see us and my bro starts marking all the cement things so i take a black rusto with a OD on it a start hitting them up too. well after about 2 hours we start walking back figureing there gone when we get a phone call from our friend saying to come back to the car and were like YES the cop just let us off but just in case we hide the paint under some dirt and walk back ditching our cigs in bushes and my lighter broke hitting the ground ( i had had it for like 6 years ) so we go back and the sheriffs sitting there reading the paper with our friend in the back of the car. Well we were parked illegally so those preppy bastard citizens called the cops and on bringing up the plate he saw that my bro had previous graff charges and thats why he came down to the bridge. We all got $312 tickets when my cousin has got less for drunk driving and possesion of X ( BULL SHIT ) and when we go back to pick up the paint our friend is like yeah man my friend told me where you supposed to park to not get cought ( THANK YOU FOR THE LATE NOTICE ) well we pick up our paint. caps, cigs, and my broken lighter and when were putting it in the car the sheriff is watching us from the corner so we wave and he nods back (didnt say shit to us) my friend payed all $312 of his ticket while me and my bro went to court my bros ticket was reduced to $186 and mine to $135 because im under 16 and now where in the process of paying them off. Not very actionitive but it was when it happened ( i was on speed ).
  9. Kl(one)

    Kl(one) Member

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    Both of these just happened last night.
    I was bored so me and Azzy went and started rearranging sign letters and shit. We were bored and making some realstate offices sign say "See us Come on our new spring listings" and "Hicks and hot nads" and "Grand penis in me" was some funny shit at the time. We would finish by grabbing letters from multiple signs and Putting them up else where, Just the letters to make our names, and put those up. So anyhow, I have on my shirt mask( a black shit that I can see through, just wrap it around the head and *POOF* insta ninja) And some guys like " I should call the cops" So I yelled back "FINE THAN!" and we left. Bout ten minutes later (At this point we were across the highway and just getting onto roofs and shit) a white car (read: pigs) pulls up. We see it coming and being in the middle of a parking lot I run like greased fuck and hide under some stairs. No shit. Just a pair of wooden stairs, like a whole 10 secounds later Azzy is beside me. So the car goes past us. Brakes, turns and stops right in front of us. At this point I almost bolted. Then drives off.
    Another incident involving me and Azzy was her hiding in a picnic table and me jumping up over a fence off stacks of boxes. Some cool shit wen on after wards.
  10. EGO31

    EGO31 Elite Member

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    no one seen me yet!! ever Almost got caught crossing out this guy in a crew and the head of the crew came up almost behind me i just left my stuff and booked there was only a bottle of homemade ink-paint stuff which i was pouring over the guy's blowup.
  11. OveRDoSeD

    OveRDoSeD Elite Member

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    one day I took my girl to the train yard, and I had been painting the yard for a couple of years now, I had the best way to get in and out, and the best spot for whoever had the car to park, my girl parked and we started heading over, I had a back pack full of rusto and krylon, caps markers etc. we got in, she only wanted to come to see what it was like to paint the yards cause I was ALWAYS talking about it, she was cross country leader 2 years in highschool so she could dip like a mofo... anyways, I get in and I get to the trains in the back, so I start doin some fills, I get the first one done, and I dont know what the fuck made her so horny, maybe the fact that we were doin so much shit against the law or something, but yeah she grabs me and starts kissing me and telling me how horny she is, but I said hold up let me finish painting I dont wanna get caught, so we continue kissing for a moment, cause she is fucking gorgeous and just takes my breathe away everytime she even smiles at me.... but yeah, I start painting and throwin up quick fills on like 3 different trains in the back, she is still grabbing me and kissing me and yeah, so I got 2 cans of light blue rusto 1 can of watermelon krylon and 1 rusto flat black, so I just do her name and my street name on the train, when I finished fillin her name, she turned me around slammed me up against the train and started kissin me, I went along with it, but the paint was wet and fucked my shirt up and the back of my neck and a little bit of my hair and the back of my hat were now light blue, she said that she wanted to fuck right now, so I thought FUCK IT, what better place than my favorite train yard??? so I walked her over a bit where there wasnt wet paint like 2 feet over, I just lifted her up against the train and did my thing, when I was finished I got back to her name, like 20 times more focused lol and alot happier, so I finish her name, and I thought I seen a light so I looked over and didnt see anything I started my outline, and I see lights, and its a dude on foot with a flash light, usualy they had trucks but he wasnt in one, ofcourse I just said babe follow me, and we ran I was holding her hand so she didnt get lost, we got to the fence and I boosted her over, we ran to the car, I told her to keep the doors unlocked just incase we got chased, she did, so we got in the car, the guy didnt see us, but im sure he heard us run, maybe fucking too who knows??? I had a blunt in her glove department, she didnt smoke but was cool about me smoking cause I was never a dick to her or anything, I lit it up and smoked about half(some goody so I was high), I put it out and started kissing her this time, she told me I was trippin triein to kiss her with that cotton mouth, but we went and got a drink up at the gas station, when we got back to my house my mom was at work and she works night so yea house to myself and her, that night was sooooooooooooooooooooo fucking amazing, god I love her... :D
  12. Wilt

    Wilt Senior Member

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    The thing what got me startin graff was me and two of me freinds robbed 3 cans of paint out of a building site and got into our school grounds and were gona write Mc.Flaps(our principal) takes it up the arse when the janitor start screamin at us and we pulled a legger and had to hop the fence. the next day we saw the janitor painting over what we got done: McFla
  13. grimace

    grimace Senior Member

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    man i was at school takina shit in a handicapped stall witht he handle bars and shit, i got board so i decided to fuckin draw this chracter on the wall with a candycane ataached toa string that went up to the top of the door over the coat hanger like a pully or some shit, anyways im in there for like 20 mins, this fuckin cop walks in an strolls around, so im like fuck and i cool out, he finnaly leaves, when i get up to l;eave the same cop and a asistent principle start to come in so i fuckin go back to classto grab some pencils and whatnot to go draw in the other room, on my way back i see the two dudes and another principle comin towards me sayin hey man come with me, what were u doin in there? i was crapin man, no yur wernt u were drawing on the wall, ughh no i was crapin then i pulled out some toilet paper from my pocket(the bathrooms dont have toilet paper, so i stole some from a teacher) and ways they kept fuckin with me so i said fine i did it and they made me fuckin paint ove r bunch of graffiti around schhol and shit, and tried to expell me, but i talked my way out of that
  14. G-RAF

    G-RAF Senior Member

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    haha u wer shittin.. that was a grimace move..
  15. Senior Member

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    I was on aroof and a gut seen me from the window and started screaming get down so i sneacked down the fire escap[e...
  16. OveRDoSeD

    OveRDoSeD Elite Member

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  17. OveRDoSeD

    OveRDoSeD Elite Member

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    quoting myself because this is byfar the best story on this thread, and its true so fuck you nucca!
  18. NesEpic

    NesEpic Member

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    Ok, so me and 3 other people were out bombing on a construction site.. i had two look outs, and one other person bombed with me.. so as we're bombing my buddy yells out "Get the fuck out of here, theres a van speeding up here"

    We run and grab our bikes. I hop on, he cuts us off, squeels his tires and starts honking, and gets out of his van. It's an old man.. he yells "What the fuck do you think you're doing" to all of us.. I start to pedal away on my bike.. The thing doesnt shift but I start going at a good speed. He runs after me cos i'm the main guy.. leaves his van running.. So my friend goes for his van, the old man runs back to his van, as he hops in his van to chase after us I took a paint can wrote "FuckU" in red letters on the van. He starts backing up to try and hit me.. Oh shit. I take the same paint can and smash out his back window on his green van.. he squeels away. About half an hour later police go past us when we're hiding in a back lane and just miss us.. they didn't notice us..

    We just narrowly escaped them and let me just say.. i won't be back at that neighbourhood for a while.
  19. J.A.B.

    J.A.B. Senior Member

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    overdose. whip whip..pussy whipped
  20. dismal

    dismal Senior Member

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    umm i run fast and then hide somwhere lol