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Best Getaways - Chase Stories

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by -->MaNiK1<--, Oct 17, 2004.

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  1. To.The.Beat

    To.The.Beat Senior Member

    • Messages: 339
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    The best story I got is pretty shit but I'm stoned so it will be already I jumped some fences and shit it was alright but lucky I didn't get eaten by a dog or somerthing hey.
  2. weaponer

    weaponer Member

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    I dont know have u heard a sports called Parkour ? Or Le Parkour as it is in french.. i think. Well anyway this is a sports where u use ur urban environment as ur playground. U jump over a high fences, jump down a HUGE drops and over big gaps, climb up to a places where "normal" people cant and sum other cool stuff. Its very useful hobby for a writer ! And bout this 2 story jump id say its not even a big one when watching the things that those parkourers do :blink: Ill check back later if i can find u link to this one video where u can see the biggest gap jumped by a real human. By a guy called David Pelle who invented Le Parkour.
  3. MILink

    MILink Member

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    yah that parkour stuffs crazy me and my friends used to play a game called suicide where you had to get from one part of town to the other in just a stright line it was sweet never really played much thought being the fat one of the group :lol:
  4. svker

    svker Senior Member

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    Had just finish a bomb on this highway dept. truck trailer near the Metro Train tracks.
    I'd planned to hit every truck in the yard that night. Then I heard a dispatcher talking look overtwo cops where sitting there and one coming my way. Duck, ran real low, dipset into the woods down the tracks. When I got far enough away got back onto the tracks. Found this nice little building that just got buff a couple of weeks ago, so I bomb the hell out of it. *Lazy-Buffers* work on that sh*t b!@ch! I hit the back, and 2 sides from top to bottom. Normally, it's only one bomb and a tag there for them to buff.
    Out of paint now! Now when I got closer to the next Metro stop my gut told me to not walk all the way down to the stop. I hit a fence on the other side was these drunken college kids walking from some party. :ph34r: I slowly walk 10 yards behind them, that's when I notice 3 cops cars sitting and waiting by the train stop. One keep pacing back and forth. I was maybe 50 yards away so they never saw me. chill outside the dorm with drunken chicks until the train started to run again. Later, I hear that they were checking the woods near my first stop thinking I might still be hiding out. Smooth Operator, I'll bomb them punks later :lol: Just glad that I rock solo.

    9 cans of Krylon Ultra Flat Black, an herbal remedy, so holla BACK!!
  5. splif2

    splif2 Member

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    Aight i got a tight fuckin story this shit is so dope it will blow the fuck out of ur stories, kk so 1 of my good friends were sleepin ova so i was like FUCK dude i want a cookie right no, and so i went upstairs and i was like o hell ya cause i saw the cookie jar and so i opened it and stuck my hand inside, just as i was touchin a huge soft chocolate chip cookie, my mom pops out fuckin no were and she was like, wat u think ur doin young man, and so i was like hihi ul never catch me alive u dumb bitc, and i ran into my basement and locked the doo, it was pretty rad :ph34r:
  6. G-RAF

    G-RAF Senior Member

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    holy fuk eh^^^ wasnt that a rush??
  7. ju99al0B0mber

    ju99al0B0mber Member

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    that was fucking dumb
  8. svker

    svker Senior Member

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    that was fucking dumb [/b][/quote]
    dumbass de mierda!!

    Ùوكينغ دومباس
  9. Keffer

    Keffer Senior Member

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    hahaha moderatly funny though
  10. impure616

    impure616 Member

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    ok so one day at about 2 me and three of my homies just finished exams so we found this spot behind a building so we looked around only thing there was what we thought was a abandoned bus it had blinds on the windows and was all shitty so we had a bag filled with about 15 cans, we were going to do some pieces so we started our outlines. about 15 min in a green car pulled up to the bus a asian dude got out and started pounding on the door of the bus, he didnt see us so we king of hid on some brush. two hippies came out of the bus and they started arguing with the asian. I guess he was telling them that they couldnt be there he had all kinds of paperwork and shit. He got on the phone and about five minutes later a cop showed up. my dumbass friend got up and started painting again. the asian dude sees him and points. so we fucking booked it we were on our bikes and about 5 min away from the skate park. we took off and the cop gos and gets in his car startin to back up. we knew the area so we cut onto trails and shit and made it to the park there were like 5 other riders there so we just dropped into a bowl and chilled for like 20 then went home.
  11. k1ng

    k1ng Senior Member

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    me and me m8s were doing sum pieces in a train yard and a security gaurd crawled out from a train grabed me m8s leg he stamp oon the security gaurd in a mater of 10 mins were in a cell wif a £200 fine
  12. **MATEO**

    **MATEO** Elite Member

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    I've ran a few times.
  13. Anok

    Anok New Member

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    Not getting caught, is my best story.
  14. OveRDoSeD

    OveRDoSeD Elite Member

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    haha yeah right bitch... if u read my getaway story shit I was trieing to paint, not fuck in a busy train yard.
  15. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    I was painting over at the tracks, and its in an inbankment 20feet down slope in the middle of no where, and im with this other kid my boy, being look out when i fucking hobo comes out of no where and scares the shit out of uss so we running and I threw a full fucking rusto and hit him in the face but he still chased up and over the fence im not going back their till im like 6 deep and we fuck him up, im sure he had a knife or some shank too
  16. ZoNe1

    ZoNe1 Member

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    So i was walking home from visting my girl at her job minding my own shit just puttin up stickers and out of no where this motha fucker strait comes after me so i think he must just want some weed or somethen not realy stressin but my bad he get close and grabs me i elbow the bitch on the face and run across the intersection into some apartments i jump this fence end up at some medical weed place but i gotta say it was fuckin random
  17. sark

    sark New Member

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    one time me and me main man where paintin on trackside container when all we hear frm look out is cop so it passes down to me m8 as cop car so we fuckin run so fast jump over a fence straight into a bog loose me shoes but manage to get em back and then meet up with rest off em to our surprise it was a man walkin a police dog but ow well we got away and they walked bk the other way and we walked the other way as i had a bag full off paint and pens but we did one back to me gaff and nothin happend so was all cool.
  18. REMEK

    REMEK Senior Member

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    i've never had a chase from cops but my mate's was chased by 2 painting the wrong part of a legal wall! 2 of them got warnings.
  19. G-RAF

    G-RAF Senior Member

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    painting over sum gang graff during mid day.. n sum bitch comes out saying cops are comin n how she didnt want her neighborhood to look ghetto n all so we just walked away... simple as that
  20. molotow_15

    molotow_15 Elite Member

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    liar :lol:
    becuase i kno who you are, your like the only other painter in my town
    :p :blink: