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Discussion in 'Battle Forum' started by bugs-one, Dec 20, 2015.

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  1. zoup

    zoup Elite Member

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    BOOMBA Member

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    Tbh i probably would have voted for Matt's first one but didn't see it posted
  3. Swul

    Swul Senior Member

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    Agreed. Sometimes digital just comes across as eh
  4. EBA

    EBA Elite Member

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    I work almost strictly in digital and I've heard stuff like this a great deal.

    I am just curious. What is it about digital work that turns you off? Just morbidly curious and hoping for some thoughts, not an argument. (Not that YOU are arguing. Just that I am not here to argue back.)
  5. zoup

    zoup Elite Member

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    I feel like some people are old fasioned and prefer stuff on paper/wall etc cause its been around for a few thousand years compare to digital which is only around for a few decades. I feel digital is an aquired taste, like if i see cgi in dragon ball z,i turn that shit off lmao.
  6. PeskDos

    PeskDos Elite Member

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    Animal is the word.
  7. zoup

    zoup Elite Member

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    Word is "ANIMAL" deadline friday august 12.
  8. Matt Wrigh

    Matt Wrigh Elite Member

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    I feel like there is a rawness to it that appeals to me. I feel like it's a slightly different skill set required as well. The ability to quickly and cleanly undo and redo stuff, while saving mad time, also takes away from the character of the piece overall. I liken it to the preference of music on vinyl over digital means. I have told you before that I like your hand drawn stuff over the digital stuff. Digital is still dope but just missing some of the soul.
  9. Side_One

    Side_One Senior Member

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    I would like to add that in digital you have unlimited color palette vs non digital not only does it cost you to buy certain marker, pens, pencils. In addition you have a limited color palette. That is my two cents
  10. BOOMBA

    BOOMBA Member

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    Zoup nailed it i think.. I just love perfectly imperfect human expression. Digital stuff is so clean cut to me idk, it is just different. I Also havnt had a computer for ages and ages so idk shit about it. Im sure there is a lot of skill and talent involved, I just think it comes down to preference. I will always take peoples hand drawn stuff over computer made, even if it is the same amount of effort. I honestly just love when people take a brush or a pen and let their ideas spill all over the page or canvas, raw expression. Digital stuff will probably grow on me eventually. That jackalope was dope af lol
  11. EBA

    EBA Elite Member

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    Thanks for the feeback, honestly, everyone. And thanks for the jackalope complement, @BOOMBA .

    I still fuck with analog stuff, but here's the thing. I feel like no matter what, it's your skill level that matters. Digital doesn't make toy work look any better. But it can make skilled work look better, no doubt. If I can find an easier path, I take it. One of the strange things I heard a lot when I was doing pieces with bevels was that I was "using selections." I use Procreate, which doesn't have that. It has a selection tool, but that tool has almost zero control. You cannot make smooth curves or straight lines with it. It's very simple. But here's the thing. I mention that because if it had selections, you better believe I'd use them. Hell, if it had a plugin that automatically made bevels, I'd use that. To my mind, the end result is what's important, not how you got there. There are YEARS, nay, DECADES of work that went into me slowly developing letters, color theory, and all of that stuff to get me to this point. None of that can come with a program, no matter how great the program is.

    Sure, your pieces looks clean. Isn't that what you want? It's what I want. No doubt. And using all these advantages comes from knowing HOW to use them. It's an art supply just like any other. It's an aid, and has helped me immensely, especially in terms of getting proportions and composition, two of my personal biggest struggles, down.

    It's also nice to know that I can instantly send an exact, hi-res copy of my work to people instead of it getting lost in the mail. And I can never lose things in a fire or because the book got lost. And there are things that are wonky and you have to get used to. The sheer number of times I have been putting stuff down on the wrong layer is amazing.

    But again, I still fuck with analog and probably always will. I just don't get the hate, or at least dislike. But I am prejudiced.
  12. EBA

    EBA Elite Member

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    I'd like to add that graffiti is the only artform I know of where people have expectations of what you can do with your art. "Oh, you don't hit trains. Then you ain't real." "Only throwies and hands count. Anything else is too artsy." "You ain't graff if you only hit legals." It goes on and on. No other artform does that. People don't say, "Oh? You do anime digital? Then that turns me off. I hate when people don't do anime the old-fashioned way." "Painting landscapes without oils just isn't as raw and gritty to me. Digital landscapes are too clean!"

    I have a yearly show I do in the biggest gallery in town (don't be impressed... it's a small town). Every year, at that gallery, the amount of digital work compared to analog doubles or triples, all year long. Nobody thinks anything about it. The patrons don't care.

    We are having this discussion on a forum. Do you think forums existed back in the 80's for writers to hone their skills and peacefully learn from others to help themselves get better? Wake the fuck up, Stanley. You are using technology right now in a safe space to improve your skills and have fun. As a thought experiment, travel back in time to late 1970's NYC, grab a writer and ask them if that's okay. I bet you get beat down.

    I said I wouldn't argue, and I guess these are arguments to the contrary, so I apologize, as they certainly aren't meant to be arguments. Just perspective.

    One day, you are going to look around and see nothing but digital artists, and graff will have changed again. As it always does. Still, it is a personal taste. I just wonder how much of it is actually personal taste and not other things.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2022
  13. Matt Wrigh

    Matt Wrigh Elite Member

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    No " Hate" or even "dislike" bro. Like Zoup said, its probably just more of a preference thing. I personally just like analog artwork better! To each his own:) I know the digital stuff takes mad skill and you made the exact point I was saying regarding it being a different skill set. I feel like the entire approach to the piece has to be different. There are many advantages to digital art with the biggest being what you mentioned regarding storage and sharing with the click of a button. There are also no bags of markers and sketchbooks to tote if you are on the go. I do envy those things but again, I just love the feel of a marker in my hand on a piece of paper. I am an OLD school soul for sure . Nothing but respect to all true artists regardless of medium.
  14. EBA

    EBA Elite Member

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    Heh... no hate taken. I ain't mad. Maybe a little bothered since I do digital that doing so means my work immediately gets discounted by some. But no hate. I ain't trying to make anyone stop using analog. If you like doing it, do it. That's kinda my point. Just know that I am not discounting people for NOT doing digital, like, "Ew! Why is that work not cleaner?" That would be a little narrow-minded of me, do you agree? Maybe you might want to think about your own perspectives and motivations that way. I dunno.

    It's all just food for thought.

    At the end of the day, I do my art for myself first. I love making other people happy, no doubt. But if I am not happy first, I would do something else.

    Peace and respect and honestly, for real, thanks for sharing ya'lls perspectives, even if I disagree.
  15. Swul

    Swul Senior Member

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    Although I will say, having an iPad Pro or something like it, it is SUPER hard not to want to spend days perfecting a piece hehe
  16. Swul

    Swul Senior Member

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    Also, they have train templates so THOSE are sick…but yeah
  17. Swul

    Swul Senior Member

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  18. Swul

    Swul Senior Member

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    Here’s the link if any people who do like digital art want it, its definetely fun
    (Although I think I probably am more satisfied with raw pen and paper but yah)
  19. EBA

    EBA Elite Member

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    Oh man.... I used to have a thread on here (can't find it) with page after page of shit like this. Freights and walls and textures and clip art. I still have a massive collection of anyone wants me to post it up again.
  20. Pasc

    Pasc Member

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    Digital is here to stay. I feel like graff as evolved over the years in how we create. Companies emerged that make high- and low-pressure cans / different caps that allow better lines or more coverage / gloves / this list goes on and on. Saying "I only use traditional ways" is like saying "I only use Krylon cans from the 70s/80s because fuck these ‘art’ cans" when we all know Montana/Molotov/Flame is just nicer to use. Of course, there are the hardcore Rusto fans, and those products have their place for sure. Digital is the next form of evolution in this weirdly negative artform. (And I must admit, the few interactions Ive had on this forum have been positive, which is awesome).

    Its true that an artist can hit an undo button whereas analog is forced deal with a mistake and make it apart of the planned piece. But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing IMO. Digital has taught me a lot. There’s no fear of wasting expensive markers or paint (although I have done that as well). It’s a way to practice some techniques and styles just like a blackbook. I personally like to doodle stuff out on digital then take it to a wall later.

    I will say, there is no replacement for cans though. Digital doesn’t teach you can control or how paint reacts on different surfaces etc. IMO that’s something you just learn by fucking it up a few times or having somewhere to practice and learn. But I will never give up digital. Its fun, its technical and its just the way of the future. Both ways are important to me and that is why I try to keep up skills in both formats.

    @EBA your thread is here - I keep it bookmarked