i read you can use these, when i opened mine in didnt look like there was anyway to add your own paint or ink. I am assuming that you cant use the stock ink, and i didnt see anything like this in the other threads. i would appreciate it if someone could helpme out..
you can take the top off. but bingo dabbers suck, atleast all mine do. i cant find anyfelt around here so i dont make new tips and the stock ones just fall off. and they are hard to squeeze.
I found a nice one at a doller store a few weeks ago, its got a stronger cloth nib so that it wont fall off. and its a weird shape that lets you squeeze it easy, i get really nice smooth lines and long drips.
bingo dabbers are the shit. change the felt tip with mom's wool blankets and empty the bottle and squeeze it alot of times in a row to soften the plastic n make it easier to squeeze when taggin, pliers help to soften it.
HOW TO MAKE A BINGO DABBER MOP 1. take the cover off and you'll see that theres a piece that comes out at the top. View attachment 165073 2. pull it out. View attachment 165074 3. on the inside of the nib piece there will be a plastic thing that helps control how much ink comes out, pull it out View attachment 165075 4. fill it with what ever you want and put the nib back in or make your own nib if you want
or if you got one where the top dont come off then just punch a hole in the bottom and seal it up after filling it
its all about the 'window chalk' markers. tough nibs...easy to refill...put them in the microwave to soften them up. dolar stores have them...they are made in edm.
haven't experimented with the bingo dabbers but seems to me they'd leave sweet and drippy mop like tags. i dunno i'll have to pick me up a few at a local dollar store.
Use bingo dabbers on flat surfaces like metal, plastic, windows etc..... Avoid rough surfaces like concrete,bricks...stuff like that so the nib would not rip off, also go find the best bingo dabbers with best nibs. Also if you are stuck with a nib that shows signs of tear , slow the motion of your hit up. I think its called friction that messes the nib. OR make your own nib.
you think its called friction? Now you just proved that your atleast twelve or under. Wait til puberty strikes,then come back... Maybe.
word up its all bout the mini window markers haha of course a dope recipee of homemade ink helps haha like thiss..... nigga wat View attachment 168399
i got a better idea make ur self a kiwi mop and have fun with that. theres nothing easier than that. wun. sssssssssstarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
word ill says it just fill up with krink and it works like a dream man best thing ever second only to a real marker these kik ass