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Blackbook Techs, Tips, and Tuts.

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by (SoS)Viruz, Aug 18, 2009.

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  1. rone

    rone Senior Member

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    for blackbooks i use crayons and sometimes colored pencils for that "toy" look. and if i want to spice it up, ill use my safety sissors, and my non-toxic glue, and paste it in my "blackbook". whatever that is..
  2. rone

    rone Senior Member

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    really, cause i usually do it totally diffrent, and ponder"why doesnt it look like the sketch?" with like a retard face
  3. massacreman

    massacreman Elite Member

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    Last edited: Dec 19, 2009
  4. (SoS)Viruz

    (SoS)Viruz Elite Member

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    Coloring a Piece by ALTS

    ]right here is a step by step (please cut the bullshit everyone your ruining the thread)
    View attachment 540677
    outlined with fineliner
    View attachment 540678
    bit of background
    View attachment 540679
    filled the letters with base colour
    View attachment 540680
    bit of detail in the fill
    View attachment 540681
    more detail
    View attachment 540682
    lil more detail in fill and background
    View attachment 540683
    View attachment 540684
    doubled up outline, shadow and highlights
    View attachment 540685
    finished article, Duke exchange
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2010
  5. 408Bomber

    408Bomber Senior Member

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  6. New Member

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    When i first start sketching i use a drafting pencil because its easy to erase and it comes out really light. they are a little expensive to buy but they work nice.
  7. prefer

    prefer Banned

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    my advice for blackbooks is plan stuff out becuase if you dont it could be a disaster really, it sucks when you go through whole blackbooks becuasde you couldnt settle on a idea
  8. 408Bomber

    408Bomber Senior Member

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    Come on people post more tips!

    anybody know any go0d techniques when coloring with prismas how to make you'r colors not mix/blend/bleed into eachother?
  9. 408Bomber

    408Bomber Senior Member

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  10. pleasedontstayr

    pleasedontstayr Senior Member

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    this thread really died fast, shame

    REIGNSUPREME814 Member

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    how do you get the white highlights to pop like this and stay so white? I use decos and my white highlights always let the color underneath bleed through. Maybe I need a different marker for white or something I should try some prismas
  12. massacreman

    massacreman Elite Member

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  13. CanalSt

    CanalSt Senior Member

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    [Broken External Image]:
    great for the highlights.
    Some prisma tips, probably apply to other similar markers.
    If you want a color in between two colors you have, fill in with the lighter color then with the darker. this is why you are an idiot if you buy more than a 48 pack, you cannot be that lazy.
    If you have the color you have already and want to shade it with that 3d look, buy(or rack) a 20% cool grey and a 40% cool grey or warm (personal preference) and then use the base color for the lightest, then after that use the 20 on the platform wich it corresponds to then the 40 on the last. do this even if the colors of the sides are different so it gives it that not shit look.
  14. EsKoNeR!!

    EsKoNeR!! Elite Member

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    just rock pens son. make the sketchyness of the pen freestyle strokes part of the style itself. straight pen freestyles are the illest around. and dont ri pages out of your book ever. every little bit ads character. if you dont like the first little bit of a sketch, just keep going. if you really cant, then comeback to it later. dont just tear it out your book. shit is bunk
  15. CanalSt

    CanalSt Senior Member

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    I highly respect anyone with the patience to do staight pen strokes for a big piece
  16. phoe

    phoe Senior Member

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    STRAIGHT pen art is where its at. such a tedious job though.
  17. (SoS)Viruz

    (SoS)Viruz Elite Member

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    word. It really just takes practice. And I steady and. I know some ppl who only use markers when they sketch...They use usper light highlighters, AND then go on top of those lines....Its looks dope....But I mean shit I can't do that......

    One way you could practice tho. I try doing boxes with markers and try to keep your lines as clean as possible
  18. memphisbleak2133

    memphisbleak2133 Senior Member

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    were can i get that looks sick
  19. ZombieGutz

    ZombieGutz Member

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    I highly agree with that last statement!
  20. graffart2580

    graffart2580 Member

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    These are just some random tips, but watever, it can help people
    some times its good to erase the pencil wen colouring in the piece.
    wen using decos, be very careful and patient, because sometimes they leak, and they can really fuck up your pieces.
    i have to say some times the best type of markers to use wen black book sketching, it would prolly be alchohol based markers (thats just my opinion) such as "le plume" and "touch markers". and wen using markers, ALWAYS do the darker value over the lighter value, otherwise your piece can turn out fucky