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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. faint rem one

    faint rem one Elite Member

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    painted something like it.

    me and remik might paint together soon (same town, wierd huh?)

    and yea i was thinking silver or just white for a fill
  2. nerdx

    nerdx Elite Member

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  3. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    k thx ya i liked the style i did yesturday i just didnt stick around long inof to see meetermaid tell me how to round my shit out but im doin one rite now i am gana be done soon so chek it out i think it looks good, just wana kno wat u guys think and if its wall worthy
  4. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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  5. svhaspimpglasses

    svhaspimpglasses New Member

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    RIP andre mac dre hicks romp in paradise furl

    thizz or die u punk rock beeezys

    yadidimean yadidisayin yadiditalkin bout yadidi boo boo yadidiholllah
  6. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    yadidiWHAT yadidiTHE yadidiFUCK
  7. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    remik- on the green one, take off the underline thing that comes from the k, that like destroys the entire thing. on the orange one, i like it better now, that m's still a little wierd, i don't know about that one. for the shadow, keep it all like the same width, like on the left of the r, the top shadow is thicker than the bottom. that's being a little nitpicky but whateverrr

    rem- the m looks like an n, this is kind of a common mistake ( :ph34r: ) remember m's have 3 legs. i really like that r though. and maybe add holes to the r and e
  8. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    thx meetermaid :lol: ya i dont kno wat to do with the M but i think it looks fine now, u think its wall worthy? and on the green one i did a RK with that K and it went under it i thought it looked ok but wne i did it this time it looked retarded so ill be sure to not do that ne more, and one mroe thing do u think the orange one i just did is better then the straight letters i did?
  9. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    lol you should start practicing just on chill walls and shit with paint, i don't know if you want that out to the public just yet, wait till you make a tiiight throw to put up. i like the orange one a lot more than the green one, but you should still work on straightletters, don't box yourself in to one style.

    *and if you cant find a chill wall, practice on boards in the back yard or the garage with the door open
  10. Myme

    Myme Senior Member

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  11. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    myme ur shits dope, i want to be as good as u..........and meetermaid a i found a chill ass place its a sewer tunnel u could paint all day and no one would here u or find u, its pretty tight.....ill have a straight letter piece up soon
  12. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    myme, that's so hot, i absolutely love it. but on the first m, the 2nd leg looks a little gibbled. i think you should either make it straight or pointing/curving the opposite way, like the 2nd m. colour that in though, it's beautiful
  13. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    k remik i have a question, how'd you find the sewer tunnel? like in general where would you look to find one? i'm not much of an explorer so i don't have any chill places to write, and both my parents would kill me if they saw me writing in the backyards or boards i'd've written on, so the first time i put up a throw my can control was so shitty, i've gotten better with paint but i'd really like somewhere to practice without having to worry about anyone catching me.

    how about a turn of tables anyone? :p
  14. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    AHHA i get to give meetermaid advice :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ok wen my friend saw a tag done with spray wen he was goin to skool (uncommon site here) so obvoisly we wanted to go chek it out. so we went there and it was next to some big ass water/river/creek thing dont kno wat to call it and its were all the seweg goes and then i pointed over to the side and i thought i saw a throwi and it was a tunnel under the road we went to the other side of the street and hopped the fence went down and sure inof there was graff down there, so thats were i always practice (only been there once but tomorow i will hpefully go and take pix of wat to look for k?
    straight letters
    [Broken External Image]:

    something that came to me after looking at all those dope ass Ez like mymes and lots of pros Ez they all have the same general form so this came to me (dont kno if i have shown before cuz its kinda old but pls still give feed) EDIT- ya i kno the RE are sumwhat bigger then the rest of the letters but as i said its old if u guys like the stlye i will do another
    [Broken External Image]:
  15. Mekas

    Mekas Senior Member

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    Dont get me wrong, the whole thing looks nice, the only thing is that the letters look like you just modified some letters off graffiticreator. Iunno about the M's but Y really does look like it's from Graffiti Creator. No beef, it just looks like that.
  16. pepsidude84067

    pepsidude84067 Senior Member

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    I believe your thinking of a drainige ditch and the Ez style looks good but the "i" looks like a "t" but thats just me

    well here is some shit that i just did took some advice and didnt overlap

    My Webpage

    My Webpage

    so what do you think
  17. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    ^^^^^ thx for the feed ya i did the I based on Taste's T i liked it but just made the cross a little higher, and on the first piece "chips" the I is like pointy at the top of the line not the dot but the line under it just make it a box but dont have points that stick out like that
  18. pepsidude84067

    pepsidude84067 Senior Member

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    thanx i think its a blur from the cam doesnt look like that in my book but is there any other crit you might have

    damn it i hate it when it starts a new page
  19. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    lol awesome, thanks :lol:
    i love that r on the 1st pic, it has potential, just make the 2nd leg of it a bit thinner. on the 2nd pic, move the letters closer together and the i fatter, yeah i think you could make that style look nice with practice
  20. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    lol ya i hate it wen it starts a new page 2, just quote urself