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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. nik

    nik Senior Member

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    love the throw at the bottom that says crew
  2. anonymous

    anonymous Senior Member

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    thanks... im gonna draw sumthin up real qucik.. ill post it when im done .
  3. AMAZ tbscrew

    AMAZ tbscrew Elite Member

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    hey anon...i think u can umm work on ur handstyle a lil =P
  4. --Lyra--

    --Lyra-- Senior Member

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  5. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    prose you live in vancouver?
  6. Squibsorz

    Squibsorz Senior Member

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    i like it....hey i was wondering something...its kinda off topic but i got those markers too but whenever i use them the color turns out all whack how did you get the to blen together??when ever i color somthing i can see all the strokes i made with the marker...............see this is what happened when i tried to use those

    [Broken External Image]:
  7. --Lyra--

    --Lyra-- Senior Member

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    naw, kamloops(like 4 hours outside of van) whys that?
  8. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    naw, kamloops(like 4 hours outside of van) whys that? [/b][/quote]
    cause today i was picking up my bro's from kitchener and i saw a prose hollow on this person's fence, it looked like prose anyway
  9. --Lyra--

    --Lyra-- Senior Member

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    cause today i was picking up my bro's from kitchener and i saw a prose hollow on this person's fence, it looked like prose anyway [/b][/quote]
    can you get a pic of it? it wasn't me though
  10. M A G

    M A G Senior Member

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    i like it....hey i was wondering something...its kinda off topic but i got those markers too but whenever i use them the color turns out all whack how did you get the to blen together??when ever i color somthing i can see all the strokes i made with the marker...............see this is what happened when i tried to use those

    [Broken External Image]: [/b][/quote]
    nigga i used to have the same damn problem.

    what markers you use? maybe thats it.
  11. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    can you get a pic of it? it wasn't me though [/b][/quote]
    ok lol sorry i don't have a camera
  12. J.A.B.

    J.A.B. Senior Member

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    dude you really shoudnt write amaze if you ever want respect in the graf world, he was a huge san francisco writer and like yeah just dont write amaze
  13. Squibsorz

    Squibsorz Senior Member

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    nigga i used to have the same damn problem.

    what markers you use? maybe thats it. [/b][/quote]
    when i did mine that got all mest up i was usin the same ones as hitch
  14. TricksForKids

    TricksForKids Elite Member

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  15. arsn

    arsn Member

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  16. TricksForKids

    TricksForKids Elite Member

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    im feelin the face aloit, che's ill and the s is decent but you gotta go a bit simpler on the rest of those letters, good looks tho

  17. arsn

    arsn Member

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  18. TricksForKids

    TricksForKids Elite Member

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    you're telling me that pic and ur other pic are by the same guy? shit son nice variations of style, im feeling the red one wayyyyy more, just maybe a little too much going on , nice though

  19. Jank

    Jank Elite Member

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    arsn, that red page is a very nice one, i like it alot, and on the one wit the face, its a nice face but pretty poor letters, keep it up man,
    tricks, i like it alot..its different, not really my kinda style, but it looks pretty nice, gd.

    for a b-day card...says ALICE:
    [Broken External Image]:
  20. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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    i like it arsn, work on tht man