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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Confuz

    Confuz Senior Member

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  2. Myme

    Myme Senior Member

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    Sorry, but make excuses all you want that S is not as generic as you think, if you can give me 3 other writers who use the same S (2 big ass lumps, little line thing going under the throw) then i'll excuse him.. but for now...

  3. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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  4. minesweep

    minesweep Elite Member

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    i know he bit that pic because all three letters are exactly the same as that sketch in the battle section
  5. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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  6. Speq9

    Speq9 Senior Member

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    haha...nice, i like the letter style you have
  7. minesweep

    minesweep Elite Member

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  8. Speq9

    Speq9 Senior Member

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    a looks a LOT better....i can make it out :D dont know about the Xs though
  9. minesweep

    minesweep Elite Member

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    ok thanks i wasn't sure either but i don't think they'll stay x's
  10. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    thx speq

    minesweep- ALOT better just put those old circle bak in not X or put sumtin else in there just dont X's
  11. djsupreeme

    djsupreeme Elite Member

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  12. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    ^ work on ur handy and the S on the second one is wack u messed up i can tell,try and do sumtin wit the S i dont like it

    comments on mine plz? :ph34r: :ph34r:
  13. djsupreeme

    djsupreeme Elite Member

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    yeah my handy isnt exactly like that. it looks more like this [Broken External Image]: but ya im workin on my s. also yours, i liked it when it wasent coloured. maybe because there glare? i dunno but i really like the 2 dots in the middle. and the extension on the k is perfect length id say. also make the M a bit skinnier.
  14. Speq9

    Speq9 Senior Member

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    to be honest lose the double holes on the r and e (keep the bigger one on the r and the smaller on the e) and lose half the extention on the k and round the end off
  15. Bartic

    Bartic Senior Member

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  16. Speq9

    Speq9 Senior Member

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    trust me that is by no means simple, work on simple letters (bubble/block) and your sizing is off. Looks like the s is scared of me and the o wants to make out :p btw doodle with a pen thats what a friend told me. Keeps you from worrying too much about one mistake and perfecting it faster. Cant exactly erase paint :)
  17. Sire

    Sire Senior Member

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  18. Bartic

    Bartic Senior Member

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  19. djsupreeme

    djsupreeme Elite Member

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    you know people who fidget at school/work can lose up to 500 calories a day. theres a fact, go eat it.
  20. djsupreeme

    djsupreeme Elite Member

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    liking it except loose the little "bit thingy -seen" on the t.