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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Speq9

    Speq9 Senior Member

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    woman* and sorry, didnt know it was an m lol. yeah what you posted is a good bit more simple then what you had, just work on that more and more and more and more and....
  2. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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  3. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    to be honest lose the double holes on the r and e (keep the bigger one on the r and the smaller on the e) and lose half the extention on the k and round the end off [/b][/quote]
    hmm guess ur styles different them mine, i like the OO in the letters and i like the etension on the k :lol: but just for the hell of it i might do wat u said just to see wat it would look like

    and supreme ya the glare messed my pic up
  4. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    wow ume i always thought u were one of those ppl who did crazy ass wild style since u and vegi and havik hang around in the normal bb forum but i guess it isnt, even if it isnt its still very nice, i aint feelin the colorin on the first piece but the second one is hott, u used decos rite? burgandy for the fill and light green for force field? ya those colors look nice together i did a piece with same exact colors
  5. Speq9

    Speq9 Senior Member

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    hmm guess ur styles different them mine, i like the OO in the letters and i like the etension on the k :lol: but just for the hell of it i might do wat u said just to see wat it would look like

    and supreme ya the glare messed my pic up [/b][/quote]
    yeah i covered the extension up with my thumb...seemed to look better to me, maybe you wouldnt like it though
  6. Speq9

    Speq9 Senior Member

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    double post...
  7. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    haha why would you think that? i suck, maybe a year into it? and i just like simples more then wild styles(maybe cause i cant do them right? haha) i might hang around in the normal bb part but i don't post flicks, i just like to talk. the colour on the first sucks, i dont have anything to blend colours into each other like i wanted so yeah, and no i don't use decos i use sharpies, lauranatine gel markers and just aboiut any other mark i got lying around.
  8. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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  9. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    haha why would you think that? i suck, maybe a year into it? and i just like simples more then wild styles(maybe cause i cant do them right? haha) i might hang around in the normal bb part but i don't post flicks, i just like to talk. the colour on the first sucks, i dont have anything to blend colours into each other like i wanted so yeah, and no i don't use decos i use sharpies, lauranatine gel markers and just aboiut any other mark i got lying around. [/b][/quote]
    i see u got some dirty socks layin around :lol:
  10. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    yeah i just noticed how many i got laying there to...maybe i should clean up? :D
  11. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    ^^ ur pretty cool............thought u might be gay like other ppl on this site most ppl in the bb forum are full of them self but ur not, u live in astrialia rite? u veg and there was one more guy i think
  12. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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    nah i live in canada.
  13. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    i c lots of ppl from canada on here
  14. djsupreeme

    djsupreeme Elite Member

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    im from canada. 204 pegcity
  15. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    pretty clean lookin [/b][/quote]
  16. faint rem one

    faint rem one Elite Member

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  17. Jugga

    Jugga Elite Member

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    Don't really like it...
    Not feeling the pointy shits..

    I'm not liking how the bottom leg of the K overlaps the spine..
    if you get what I mean..

    Remik, real nice...
    I'm feelin' that shit..

    I just think you should move your K up a bit, and make the I a little smaller...
    so it can go with the subtle big-small-big that the REM part of it have..
  18. meetermaid

    meetermaid Elite Member

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    love that n rem, but the f and k are wierd, i don't know how to explain why in words so i did it up in paint, here's how i'd do that:[Broken External Image]:

    remik, the holes look good on the e but not so good on the r, maybe move em over to the right more, and the extension bit that goes up on the k is kinda ugly. i want your markers :(
  19. flclnaruto1213

    flclnaruto1213 Elite Member

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  20. -=AgA=-TrAnCe

    -=AgA=-TrAnCe Elite Member

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    dont ask, let it cooommmmmmeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!