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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Speq9

    Speq9 Senior Member

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    means i cant make out what in the gods name it is. looks like a toddler drew it up.
  2. Bartic

    Bartic Senior Member

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  3. Ume

    Ume Moderator

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  4. AoAssis

    AoAssis Elite Member

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    all over the place
  5. Sire

    Sire Senior Member

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    heres da trI Dee

    i hate the E any suggestions on it

    sry, my cam sucks and so does my skaner
  6. Sire

    Sire Senior Member

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    i would love some feed back please :(
  7. ion-i

    ion-i Elite Member

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    put a lower case 'e' above the arrow on the R, it looks kinda crushed at the end with the 'R' going over the capitol 'E'.

    :p it was feedback.
  8. Sire

    Sire Senior Member

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    :D wooohooo, i was thinking of doing that or a better version of that e more like a 3
  9. YNOT iN SF

    YNOT iN SF Senior Member

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    wow Sire..
    i thought u were good too....

    but keep on doin....
  10. near

    near Senior Member

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    the e is whack which you already know - yer on the right track with the idea of a '3' just work it so it looks like your other letters and on that note the 'R' is different sstyle than the other letters but it is the nicest letter u got there so try to make an 'E' that goes well with that R then work out the other 2 letters....o yea and lose the sig pic of the goofy crackers with rags on their face
  11. near

    near Senior Member

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    just as a side thought those kids in the NFK pic (which i assume is your crew) look like theyre gonna go bombing (your in someones bedroom 'geared up') anyway i sincerely hope you guys dont go out with rags on your faces and backpacks or even worse a respirator mask that is just so unbelievably bait i dont even gotta look as normal as possible so as not to attract unwanted attention and all attention is unwanted if you catch my drift if its just a whatever pic then my fault just chiming in with my 2 cents
  12. faint rem one

    faint rem one Elite Member

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    no, fuck that we walk out of my house all gear up, rags and resperators on our faces, paint out, tagging the mailboxes and fucking all the cars up and down my street. then we get in the car like that and blast music hella loud all the way to the spot, windows down...and we keep the car blasting music while we paint. duh. <_<

    why does race matter so much? im seriously sick and tired of ppl sayin cracker this and whiteboy that. just stfu aboiut race, what we look like in a picture and just fucking give him feed on his fucking piece, thats all he cares about hearing.

    now stfu about us. THANKS.
  13. JETc17

    JETc17 Elite Member

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  14. ztec

    ztec Member

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  15. unknown_1

    unknown_1 Elite Member

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    you on the right track kinda but dont make your 3D fatter than your letters and loose the pointy thing on the bottom of your T
    just keep practacin you'll get there someday
  16. JETc17

    JETc17 Elite Member

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    your definitely getting somwhere. i wouldnt start folding in your letters so soon if you know what i mean
  17. faint rem one

    faint rem one Elite Member

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    i like ur z and c. c especially.
  18. Sluts_r_us

    Sluts_r_us Elite Member

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    karakter i made....


    uhh sketch...

  19. KiNoSeK

    KiNoSeK Member

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  20. KiNoSeK

    KiNoSeK Member

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