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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. SEKT

    SEKT Member

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  2. Samp1e

    Samp1e Senior Member

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    sekt -- it's clean and crisp, but your letter structure isn't good. simplify get to be more familiar with your letters and their build, the way they work with each other. keep the style on the back burner cause with better letters and being able to apply that, I think you got some sick potential.

    mask -- lookin alright, work on your A, looks a lot like an O to me. 3d is a bit strange, work on that. balance the focus of your letters, your M looks real tricked out, but the K in comparison doesn't have the same feeling to it. like it's off, or something.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2007
  3. SEKT

    SEKT Member

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    yeah, i see what your saying samp1e,
    the only one i really like is the "i" but the rest could use a move back toward the simples
  4. EsKoNeR!!

    EsKoNeR!! Elite Member

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    some crits maybe?
  5. kelio

    kelio Senior Member

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    SEKT: i love it. so clean.
    BORG: shits dope.
    ESKE one: love tht simple maybe make all of the letters the same size.

    new character idea and working on my bombs. critz please.
  6. snorky

    snorky New Member

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    Give us some tips please i just started writing ant this is my first sketch.


    If any one could give me tips on how to improve this throw up that would be sick. ai211.photobucket.com_albums_bb11_novmone_100_0940.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2007
  7. *Wing*

    *Wing* Senior Member

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  8. siZo

    siZo Member

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    IMO thats pretty sweet!

    That would look good with a light blue fill and florescent pink outline and darker blue bubbles... it sounds a bit gay but works great.

    well done mate!
  9. Eack

    Eack Senior Member

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  10. JackJill

    JackJill Elite Member

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    Style reminds me of AMKAH
    Very clean. keep it up.Capital E would have looked beter though
  11. BoRe-719-

    BoRe-719- Elite Member

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    ive always been a fan of lower caes e's, looks gow it is....i think the a should be lower case though, gives it more flow. the c should be about the same size as the other letters to help tie it together.
  12. Edward"Sezer"Hands

    Edward"Sezer"Hands Elite Member

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    nikstix- I actually like it, i like where your going with it also. The war piece is neice and clean but work on the w it's just too big. On the ret piece lean the top of the E to the right it will make it flow better, for now lose the extensions but your getting there. just clean em up now.
    Eske one- nice simple letters. the E and S are too big compared to the rest the S really doesn't sit lose the little nub thing on the E. But your in the right direction just keep doing simples.
    Borg- Good coloring but some of your letters are hurting. The B and r are suppose to be tha same size? well their not. and th R just looks weird to me for some reason, Try to make all your letters the same size i know you did that intentionally but i personlaly don't like it, your gettin better just tone it down a bit and go simpler.
    Mask-cib- good concept but horrible letters. drop everything do simples like eske and nikstix, please.
    sekt- it reminds me of a toy version of trash take the same advice i gave mask-cib.Go simpler.
    Eskoner- great coloring but your piece is leaning too much to the right and the O is wierd. Fix that o and make it more symetrical.
    kelio- try changing up your throwie make it better, not really feeling the karak.
    Snorky- go to the new 2 graff thread now and not really feeling that throwie.
    Wing- not that bad at all. the bottom piece has some flow to it but lose the nub things coming out of the e and on the left side of the r. Drop the wing piece and work with the reep piece because thpose letters are nice and simple behind the coloring.
    Eack- it looks like your trying to progress too fast, drop the extensions on the bottom of the e they look outta place anyways. make your c the smae size as the rest of the letters and not so blocky. lose the connection of the E to the A.
    fix the top of the K it's too skinny. not bad though.
  13. siZo

    siZo Member

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  14. tense

    tense Elite Member

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  15. Bazer

    Bazer Moderator

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    how bout you work on not biting mr wiggles? that would be a good start. also try doing your stuff in black and white cuz right now youre wasting your markers on coloring in those crappy letters.
  16. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    eske one, big improvment
  17. Drakula

    Drakula Elite Member

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  18. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    u badly need to fix that k
  19. Drakula

    Drakula Elite Member

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    What,the top right part or all of it?The top right needs to be as fat as the other side now that i think about it.
  20. uhhh

    uhhh Elite Member

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