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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. jaFFa

    jaFFa New Member

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  2. mattFOO

    mattFOO Senior Member

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    lost- i like your yellow fluffy outline and the purple and white on the flowers.

    chalk- i like your letters with some addons and maybe a outline or a background your shit can burn

    uhh- i didnt rele like that style..try what there telling me.. more basic and letter structure

    borg- i like it

    ag- i didnt relel like your letters ..but the color were nice.

    btw thanks to everyone that gave me crits on mine... ill be posting more soon.. peace
  3. opte one

    opte one Senior Member

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  4. sKeeLo

    sKeeLo Senior Member

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    [Broken External Image]:
    Shot with Canon PowerShot A70 at 2007-06-27

    some nice stuff up in here, mirror for my boy . . . the BLADE piece in the right is proper the rest is kinda disappointing . . . its 5 am my girl just crashed and i figured id give a shot out since im doing charity canvasses right now . . .

    tip - alot of people say develop a stylish handie first (i never really followed this) but now i see . . geta good handy then learn to thicken certain lines and work from there
  5. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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  6. mattFOO

    mattFOO Senior Member

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  7. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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    mat foo u have to give crits if u expect to get them, and if the person who posted befor u is better than you, then you can still comment on it atleast.
    if you dont it makes you look like an ass
  8. mattFOO

    mattFOO Senior Member

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    i just posted that.. how u gonna say i dont give crits... but while were on the subject.... borg i like your letters but the M.. and i dont really like the hanf.. but i do like the stuff coming off of it... maybe if u made the bottom right of the M have another peice going towards the A something like this....btw i suck with paint... so not exactly like it.. just trying to give u a idea...[Broken External Image]:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2007
  9. mattFOO

    mattFOO Senior Member

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    [Broken External Image]:
    if any thing id say close the letters up.. J and i could be mistaken for a L and U or something u dont want em to think u wrote maluk.. maybe some addons.. or a background... but ur letters are ok
  10. Edward"Sezer"Hands

    Edward"Sezer"Hands Elite Member

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    Crits for Crits.
    No chit chat or Beef.
    Take that shit to toy chat.
    Matfoo- stfu, no more random post in here. Go simple that shit looks like a maze right now.
    Uhhh- Killing it as usual the only problem i have is why the same color scheme try something new switch it up i know you got it in you.
    -geks-- Not bad simples at all try to make your letters sharper and cleaner. your gettin there.
    Chalk- thte domain piece is ok the M is way too big and the I way too small. I dont like the way your letters randomly lean, your structure is good just work on flow. The shading is pretty good too.
    Stonk- i like all of them nice simple and easy to read go with the top right one.
    Theif 127- good backgroung but icant make out any letters and on the ada piece it looks liek you have basic letter structure down your just trying to do too much in that pieces drop most of those extensions.
    Borg- The M and K really don't fit Make the M taller and drop that spike looking thing on the K. all your pieces have the same basic layout change it up a bit.other than that its legit.
    Fluffy Bunnies- bad karak, your letters are fine but nothing new, switch it up.
    Jroc- go simpler stop with these horrible bubble letetrs simple basic keyboard letters. a pencil eraser and a ruler.
    Jaffa- Ditto.
    opte- I can't see it well enough to critique it.
    Skeelo- I seriously doubt you did that, no offense i just have a bad feeling, Sky 5 did a rusty razor blade piece a while back. I don't know what's going.
    skETCH 3- come on man, don't try (at least for now) to use different sized bars, use all the same size throughout your letters keep it consistent. Lose the ball thing from the top of the J, umm don't connect your letters. Go simpler.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2007
  11. Drakula

    Drakula Elite Member

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    View attachment 285814

    Sorry if I got some of it wrong.I couldn't understand all the advice(who can on the internet?).I changed some of the letters like the A and R.
  12. sketch3

    sketch3 Banned

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  13. Drakula

    Drakula Elite Member

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  14. -GEKS-

    -GEKS- Elite Member

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    chalk- awesome
    stonk- pretty nice throwies, dont really like any of the k's tho
    theif- lookin good

    i never got any crits :(
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2007
  15. dim

    dim Elite Member

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    drak do the k like sketch 3 shows it
  16. opte one

    opte one Senior Member

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2007
  17. amk

    amk Elite Member

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    Bump..niiiiice letters..
    uuuuuuh...i love your R's
    Borg...decent isssh...i crnt work out the hand tho..
    Sketch..aiiight style..
    Jaffa...simpleess...go to the " New 2 Graff " thread for help..

    also..when you first come to this forum...there is a STICK THREAD beleive it or not named " HOW TO POST PICTURES " ....if you have to brains to read it....we wouldnt have the first two posts on a page all about how to post pictures.
  18. opte one

    opte one Senior Member

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2007
  19. ESKE one

    ESKE one Senior Member

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    the piece on the left really reminds me of sky5 either your biting or you are sky5
  20. Edward"Sezer"Hands

    Edward"Sezer"Hands Elite Member

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    Baze- you have so many different style i'm just not feeling that one.
    Opte- tone it down go simpler, nice colors.
    Drak- Just not feeling it, drop it go simpler try different letters, but if you are gonna stick with it than add some 3d going to the center.
    I agree.
    Sky 5 even did a rusty Razor Blades Piece or maybe skeelo just bought a canvas from him and is using Skys work as his own.
    heres the rusty razor blade canvas it's too close the same words plus a sky style. The handstyles are even similar.
    No clue?
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2007